Chapter 7

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You were humming to yourself as you were listening to your music on the way back home after your shift finished. It was a clear, cool night with the full moon shining brightly illuminating the street slightly. You see your front door and a smile graces your face looking forward to having a shower and snuggling up into your bed. But that thought goes out your mind when you see your door open making your smile turn to a concerned frownm

Im sure I shut my door this afternoon you thought.

You light up your right hand and take out the headphones with your left and poke in your head looking around the room using the moonlight coming from the windows to help you see. You don't see anything and reach in your left hand flipping the light switch making your eyes widen at the messy room.

"The fuck happened?" you mutter to yourself as you step in.

You don't see anything missing until you look at your bed and see a piece of paper placed on the pillow with a rose.  You  grab a tissue and pick it up and your mouth drops open as your hands shake.

I saw you on the way to work and you gave me a kind smile. I was smitten since then and it only grew in the past month. I watch you from afar not sure how to approach you. I really want to know you more instead of watching you sleep and walk to and from work. I don't want to hurt you but seeing you let another man in your life and home angers me so take what has happened as a warning my sunflower. Your mine and mine only. I love you and no one else can have you. X

Your breathing picks up as you panic a bit and pull out your phone calling the police and once spoken to them you then wait patiently but on guard.


Your home is now being checked and the letter submitted into evidence. They let you get a small bag of clothes and necessities which is beside you while your infront of Tsukauchi Naomasa, Mai's uncle.

"Do you have anywhere or anyone else to go to stay with until your home gets sorted?" Naomasa asks as he places a hot drink infront of you.

"I have once person I could ask. I would ask Mai but I don't want to put her in danger" you tell the male.

"Your a sweet girl Y/N. I'm glad your friends with her" Naomasa says with a smile "Now let your friend know about the situation"

You nod as you pull out your phone and find the contact.

Hey Izuku can I ask a favour?

You wait for a response as you take a sip of your drink.

"How long will this take?" you ask.

"That we aren't sure of. The investigating your apartment should take about 2 days but with the nature of it we think it's best to stay with someone till either they give up or get caught" Naomasa explains.

"And what about my work?" you question.

"Someone will have to walk you to and from work. During the day shouldn't be an issue as people come and go" he responds and you nod before hearing your phone and looking at it.

Hey Y/N, what's wrong? Is everything okay?

Im at the police station. Can you meet me here so I can explain?

Yes. Be there in 10.

"What they say?" Naomasa asks.

"He is on his way so I can ask him while filling him in" you say.

"I'm glad you got someone to go to" Naomasa smiles which you return.

The door to the interrogation room opens and Izuku walks in to the shock of Naomasa.

"Deku?! What are you doing here?" he exclaims.

"I'm here for Y/N and find what has happened?" he asks as he walks over and hugs you "are you okay?"

"I will be" you say returning the hug before letting go and Deku faces the detective.

"Her apartment got broken into and trashed. Then a note was found" Naomasa sighs "She is being stalked and the guy saw someone enter her apartment the night before and wasn't happy she had a guy over"

"Oh shit.." Izuku sighs "That was me. Her bulb burst and she didn't have a spare to I came over and gave her one so she wasn't left in the dark especially with the storm."

"Ah I see..always the hero huh?" Naomasa says with a slight chuckle at the end making the pro chuckle too  "anyhow this guy watches her to and from work and apparently he even watches her when she sleeps but we are not sure how or if that's true"

"Which is why I messaged you. To ask if I can stay with you till this blows over or I collect the money I need to so I can get my own place" you explain to Izuku.

"Of course you can" he says with a smile "stay as long as you need"

"Thank you Izuku I appreciate it" you respond with a smile already feeling safer.

Girl at the corner store (Pro hero Midoriya x FEM reader) Where stories live. Discover now