Chapter 19

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The drive back to the apartment was to put I simple, awkward. Izuku messaged you to and you met up with him in the parking lot to head back. So yeah you both haven't spoken at all. The tension can be cut with a knife as you mind races.

I'm going to kill Mai.

Izuku has barely looked at me and barely spoke to me.

Wait.... Why should I care? It's not like we are together.

He doesn't want a relationship which I respect but I shouldn't put everything on hold.

You know what? screw it. I'm going to wear what Mai suggested when I start work. Izuku Midoriya I hope your prepared.


The day of your first day at work has arrived and you had your outfit planned out. You and Izuku have exchanged a few words but not as much lately but you wasn't going to get too bothered by it especially as you finish changing into your uniform.

 You and Izuku have exchanged a few words but not as much lately but you wasn't going to get too bothered by it especially as you finish changing into your uniform

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(Your uniform of choice)

You saw the time and realised its nearly time to go so you grabbed your bag and heels before one last look in the mirror and going to the front door where Izuku is standing.

"Hey, you ready to g-" he starts to say before looking up then freezing while looking at you and his jaw drops slightly.

"Ready to go?" you ask snapping out of his daze.

"Uh Y-yeah" he say as he clears his throat and grabs his wallet, keys and phone then you head out to the car.



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(Just a couple of angles of your desk created by ✨moi✨)

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(Just a couple of angles of your desk created by ✨moi✨)

You smile as you look at your new official work ID as you take a seat at your desk. Placing the card into the computer you type in the temporary password Izuku wrote on a post it note for you and logged into the device. You see programmes already on the computer consisting of a planner that obtains Izuku's schedule and an excel sheet containing the numbers for each department and important person. You look up as Izuku walks into the office and goes straight to his desk.

"So..." Izuku says "basically you will be helping with planning my schedule, being the first person to answer my calls  and take messages if need be, answering emails that I'm unable to which my emails should be accessible to you as soon as you open it and assist me during meetings. Uh... At the moment I'm not fully sure what else so just await for me to tell you"

"Okay" you say as you click on the emails and see at least 200 not opened which were sent withing the past 24 hours and you let out a sigh "Izu, I'm gonna make some files and organising these so too priority ones will be easier to sort out and deal with if that's okay with you?"

"Sheesh I just had a look at the amount and it's still coming in so yeah that will be fine. I can deal with them as your placing them in and put in a folder the ones for you to to deal with if its regarding scheduling. Sound like a plan?" he says.

"Sounds good" you say as you open the schedule "You do have a meeting with the advertising team in 2 hours so we should try to do as much as we can then"

Izuku agrees and you get on with the task at hand and being 25 minutes in you feel like your mind is melting and in need of a caffeine boost. You sigh and about to get up when Izuku beats you to it.

"Want a coffee?" he asks.

"Please" you sigh rubbing your temples making the greenette chuckle.

"Yeah, the emails are the part I'm not a big fan of but I'm happy to have you on board to help me get through this faster" he says flashing you a smile as he makes the coffee.

A few minutes later he walks over and places the coffee next to you and you look up at him.

"Thanks Izu" you say with a smile.

"Your welcome puppy" he responds with a smile as well as he goes back to his desk where you both focus on the task at hand before the meeting.

Girl at the corner store (Pro hero Midoriya x FEM reader) Where stories live. Discover now