Chapter 26

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Beep beep beep beep.....

You let out a small groan as your eyes open and your blinded momentarily by lights before your eyes focus and you notice the white walls and ceiling. You move your head around to see Izuku sat next to you with his eyes closed.

"Izu..." you croak out due to your dry mouth and throat reminding you that you need water.

You slowly sit up and see a jug of water next to a cup and you try to reach over for the cup but you accidentally knock it down making it clank loudly on the floor making Izuku startle awake.

"Wait... Huh.. Wha-?" he says looking around wide eyed making you giggle before he sees you "Puppy! How are you feeling? "

"I still have a pulse so I must be doing good" you say with a shrug making Izuku facepalm.

"Seriously?" he says looking at you unamused.

"When people ask me stupid questions, it is my legal obligation to give a sarcastic remark" you respond with a smirk.

"Okay okay" he chuckles while picking up the cup "I deserved that. Let me clean this cup and get you some water"

You nod and watch as he cleans the cup then fills it with water and hands it to you. You smile as you down the cup reveling in the joy of the water soothing your dry mouth and throat.

"Woah puppy slow down" Izuku chuckles as you place the cup down and pant a little.

"Never expected water to be so good" you say " anyhow what happened?"

Izuku goes serious as he perches on the bed and holds your hand gently.

"You got poisoned.." he says.

"Wait.. What?" you ask as your face pales and your hands start to shake.

"Yeah... We are obtaining the footage of the restaurant and going over it to see if we can find the culprit" he informs you and you nod.

"How is Shoto and Yaomomo?" you question.

"Their fine. They will be coming over to the apartment when we get you home" he tells you.

"Okay" you respond.

The door knocks and in walks the doctor with a smile on his face.

"Good morning Miss L/N. Good to see your awake, you been asleep for a couple of days" he tells you "I'm doctor Sasaki, I have been keeping an eye on you."

"Nice to meet you doctor. So what exactly poisoned me?" you asked.

"Straight to the point. I like that" he chuckles "Well you food was contaminated with Clitocybe rivulosa otherwise known as fools funeral. It's a type of fungi normally found in the UK but thankfully you didn't ingest enough to cause server or irreversible damage. You should be able to go home this afternoon"

You smile happily upon hearing this news and thank the doctor as they leave. You turn to Izuku and pull him down for soft loving kiss which he returns happily as he wraps his arms around your waist. After a few moment he pulls away and rests his forehead on yours with a smile.

"I have to be honest I was soo scared I lost you" he says quietly.

"I'm sorry Izu" you croak out through the small lump in your throat as your eyes water up.

"Shh shhh don't cry puppy, it's not your fault" he says as he reaches up and wipes your eye gently with his thumb "I love you"

Your eyes widen as you hear those words from him and move back a bit to see him smiling softly at you.

"Y-you do?" you manage to stutter out.

"Yeah I do. But uh if your not ready to say it yet don't be inclined to say so it's just when I saw you like that I realised how short life can be and I didn't want to hold back how I feel that all but I won't pressure you t-" you cut him off his rant with a kiss.

"I love you too ya dummy" you say with a giggle.

He grins and kisses you deeply holding you close before breaking away.

"Come on puppy" Izuku says with a smile "Let's get ready for you to go home"

Girl at the corner store (Pro hero Midoriya x FEM reader) Where stories live. Discover now