ALONE - Part 15

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The next morning, I woke up on the couch. The TV was still on and Jah and Ski were fast asleep next to me.

I decided to get up and make us some breakfast. I got off the couch and walked into the kitchen.

I pulled the fridge door open, there was nothing inside but some waterbottles and Ski's leftovers from the diner we had gone to. I have to run to the store first, I thought to myself.

I sighed and walked over to the door to put my shoes on.

I looked over at the couch and saw both boys still asleep so I let them be, shutting the door as quietly ass possible behind me.

~at the store~

After a few minutes I finally made it to the grocery store downtown.

I walked through the automatic doors and started looking through the isles stocked with all kinds of food.

Should I make some scrambled eggs..? Or maybe-

My thoughts were cut short when I was overcome with the strange feeling of being watched.

I looked up from the shelf I was gazing down at and looked around. The store seemed almost completely empty at this hour, all I heard were a few faint voices a couple of isles down and the beeping of the check out machines.

That's when I saw her.

The same girl from the day before, standing at a distance from me on the other side of the isle.

We made eye contact and she held it, a cold look in her eyes.

Fuck, I thought to myself.

How does this keep happening ?

I slowly pulled my gaze away from hers and went back to the ingredients I had originally come for.

I felt her eyes continue to pierce into me, so I awkwardly picked up a carton of eggs and a package of bacon and walked away to the registers.

Once I had paid, I grabbed the grocery bags and walked out the door.

I'm glad that's over, I don't get how she keeps finding me..

I was only a few steps out the door when I heard them slide open again, and a set of footsteps begin on the concrete.

I don't think it'd be- right?

I refused to turn around and continued. I didn't make it far before I heard a girl's voice call out from behind me.

"Hey," she said. She didn't sound hostile, but I couldn't figure out the tone I heard in her voice.

I froze, I hesitated to turn around but when I finally did sure enough, there was the girl with the tight dark curls standing a few feet behind me.

"Hey.." I answered back, unsure of whatever else to say.

"Those two that you were with at the diner the other night, the two guys?" she said.

"Oh, um, yeah..?" What does she want..

"I'd suggest you stay away from them, best to avoid problems." She immediately turned and walked the other way, disappearing around the corner.

And just like that, she was gone as quickly as she had showed.

Avoid problems..? What is she talking about ?

I decided to head home before she found me again, and for the rest of my walk I tried to pick apart her words, her tone.

I couldn't tell if this encounter was meant to be a warning or a threat.

idk if anyone will even read this shit anymore, its been literal years but i just rediscovered it and couldnt leave it unfinished😭 ill try to continue it soon maybe

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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