ALONE - Part 13

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A few days later, my dad found a new job. I was back to being home alone all summer again.
One day i was sitting in my room watching YouTube when i heard a knock at my front door. I paused the TV and quickly got up and walked down the stairs. I opened the door and saw Jah and Ski standing on my porch.
"Come on in guys!" i said happily, moving out of the way.
"Actually, we have something to show you..." Jah said with a slight smile on his face.
"What is it?" i said.
"Come on we'll show you." Ski said smiling.
They turned and started walking off the porch.
"I'll be right there guys i have to leave a note for my dad," I turned around and ran to the kitchen. I grabbed a sticky note pad and a pen from a drawer and wrote a quick note for my dad and stuck it on the fridge.
I ran back to the door and turned off the lights, walking out and shutting the door behind me.

Jah and Ski were waiting at the end of the driveway.
"Sorry i took so long," i said.
"It's okay, just follow us." They both turned around and led me down the road.

We turned onto main street a few minutes later.
"Where are we going?" i asked, growing a little impatient.
"You'll see..." Jah said, smiling at Ski.
A few minutes later, we turned down another road that had a few diners and a tall apartment building. They led me towards the apartment building and we walked up to the door.
"What are we doing here..?" i asked.
Neither of them said anything, leading me inside.
We climbed up a few flights of stairs until we made it to a door that read "4b."
Ski pulled out a key from his pocket and opened the door.
We walked inside and i looked around. The room we were standing in had 2 couches, a tv, and a small coffee table.
"We bought an apartment for all of us to live in!!" Jah said smiling happily.
"Guys i dont know if my dad will-" i started.
"We already asked him, he said yes!" Ski said.
"He said you're home alone all the time anyway. And after that encounter with your mom, he thought it would be best if you lived with us for a while." Jah added.

I was speechless. I was shocked but, happy. They were right, having someone else in the same house as me for once might be comforting.

"This is amazing.." i said, still shocked.
I went over to them and gave them a hug.
"Thank much." i said.
We spent the rest of the night picking out our rooms and helping me move in.

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