Back to Medieval!!

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*Ashton's P.O.V*
Well now I look stupid. After we got through the portal we came into a forest, an empty forest. We also had some really dumb outfits on.. Darla liked hers though, because of course she did.

Darla:Smiles "We look so COOL!! This is gonna be so fun!!!" Grabs staff "Ooooo!!~"
Ashton:Sighs "Let's focusing on getting out of here please."
Darla:"Oh yeah! Hmm..." Looks around "Do you know where to go? I sure don't!"
Ashton:Irritated "WHY would I KNOW??"
Darla:Shrugs "Maybe we can go find someone that live here!"
Ashton:Nods "Yeah." Starts walking
Ashton:Hesitates but then looks at Darla "Where's your family?"
Darla:Looks at Ashton "Oh I don't know them!"
Ashton:Looks confused "Why so enthusiastic while saying that??"
Darla:Shrugs "I don't know, I assume they weren't good if they left me on my own! I know I'll find a family of my own one day!"
Ashton:Looks kind of annoyed "Having a family isn't that great."
Darla:Tilts head "Why not? They sound fun!"
Ashton:Looking down "Yeah, til they backstab you and make other people hate you."
Darla:Changes the conversation "Well look what we found! A sign!"
Ashton:Looks at the sign "Hm.."
Darla:Looks at Ashton "What's it say?"
Ashton:Looks at Darla "You... you can't read???"
Darla:Smiles "Nope!"
Ashton:Concerned "*I don't know why I'm shocked though, she definitely is NOT the sharpest tool in the shed...*" looks back at the sign "Something about beware, not sure what's after that though because it's... clawed.."
Darla:"Ohhhhh! I thought it had something to do with a rock concert, cause the skulls!" Pointing at the skull doodles
Ashton:Sighs "Why did I bring you with me?.." continues walking but in the opposite direction of the sign
Darla:Not too far behind "Cause we're friends!"
Ashton:"How?? I just met you. Plus, you know NOTHING about me BUT my name."
Darla:Smiles "Well, yeah! Actually I know you like fire, cause you're short early had one! Plus you brought me with you!"
Ashton:"Well anyone could've guessed that, and I only brought you because you're helping get out of here. *and you probably would have begged me anyway..*"
Darla:Looking around, then points at a sign "Look! Another sign!"
Ashton:Reads "It's the same one. We just went in a circle!"
Darla:Looking at trees "Hello!- Aw, they left.."
Ashton:Looks at trees "Who??"
Darla:Shrugs "Not a clue! Let's find out!"
Ashton:Freaked out "How about we don't.."
Darla:Nods "Ok!"
Ashton:Looks up "Great... now it's getting later then it was when we got here...."
Darla:Smiles "We can find a cave!"
Ashton:"Fine." Starts walking

We eventually found a cave not too far from where we were, I tried making a fire but it wasn't working.. Darla somehow managed to get it on the first try though. She just was lucky. We both went to sleep for the night, hoping I just was in some really realistic nightmare.. I would have even minded waking up to mom vacuuming if it was... and that's saying something. Probably not even 15 minutes after I went to sleep, I woke up again. Something woke me up, not sure what.. Maybe an animal? Or something... Darla was unbothered though, peaceful sleeping in the corner. I thought back on what mom said earlier, did I really remind her of HIM of all people?... I've been called a lot of things in life, that had to be the worst of all of them.. I'm not even sure if I even WANT to go back home. I don't really want to stay here with Darla but I don't want to go back home either. I don't know what to do...


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