The ten minutes

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A/N: You can send requests and/or ideas for the story! Also, I make a lot of jokes in my stories, I can't go even 5 sentences without a joke 💀 Anyway, I hope you like this new chapter and have fun reading it! (This chapter may be a bit more serious, but I will try to add some jokes to it 🙃)


What just happened, KYOJURO WHAT THE FUCK

Giyuu's POV

We go inside the room and they turn off the lights. I am sitting in a corner, waiting for the time to pass. The first two minutes go by fast and it goes pretty well so far, we just talk about random stuff or sit in the darkness in silence. However, after two minutes and 28 seconds (I counted them), Tengen suddenly grabbed my arm.

"Did something happen?"

"Erm, no..." -Tengen

"...Then why did you grab my arm?..."

He isn't giving any answers, what does he want? I guess this is not that bad, but knowing Tengen, he might go further. He lays his head on my shoulder and scoots over, he is now sitting 2 inches away from me. Am I radiating that much body heat and is he just cold? Does he like my face more in the darkness because he can't see it? Does he want to get revenge on me for being weak? I have no idea...

"Can I..." -Tengen

"Can you what?"

"Nevermind..." -Tengen

I am really curious as to what he wants, but I decide not to ask anything.

"6 and a half minutes left!" -Mitsuri

Hearing that, I feel Tengen flinch. I suddenly feel a kiss on my cheek. I feel Tengen running his fingers through my hair. I have really thick hair, Mitsuri said it looks good on me, but I am not sure. I am not cutting it off though, I am used to long hair. I hear nothing outside of the room, except for Mitsuri squealing or Sanemi cursing at people, but that's at random moments. Then I realized: 

Tengen could do anything to me right now.

He might kiss me or even worse, why am I thinking of it now?! I should have realized way sooner, I am such an idiot! Did he mean 'Can I?' as something weird? I have even more questions now. I should probably stop overthinking and try to stay calm. Whenever I panic, I start breathing faster but I can keep a poker face. A poker face won't help me now, he can't see anything! I should slow down my breathing. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. That helps.

He suddenly puts his finger on my lips and I try to back up, but I can't because I am sitting in the corner.

"Are you a good kisser?" -Tengen


"Are. You. A. Good. Kisser?" -Tengen

I heard him, but I was just flustered. He didn't really need to spell out every word.

"...Why do you ask?"

"Because-" -Tengen

He then kisses me on the lips. I can't do anything. I am weak, I haven't slept well at all, I haven't eaten enough and I don't train enough, Tsutako, Sabito, Makomo and my parents must be laughing at me from heaven for being pathetic. I can't do anything. He keeps passionately kissing me and I can't do anything. This would have never happened if I could protect Sabito then. I was weak and am still weak. 

He then breaks the kiss and he is panting, I was holding my breath. It was a long kiss, but I trained to hold my breath for 20 minutes. I am still breathing calmly and I am trying not to panic. That guy just kissed me! Isn't that sexual harassment? I don't know so I decide not to think about it.

"You lack the experience, but that was a great kiss" -Tengen

I definitely lack the experience, that was my first kiss. Then he kisses me again, what the fuck can I do? I decide to not talk about it to the other hashira, no matter what he does. He keeps kissing me until the ten minutes are over.

"The ten minutes are over! Time to get out now!" -Mitsuri

He breaks the last kiss and I wipe my lips. They shouldn't know anything.

"Keep quiet about this, they might kill me" -Tengen *Whispering*

Why would they kill him? It's not like I am important anyway. Maybe it's a rule of the corps not to harass your comrades? We get out of the room and they all are staring at me, then at Tengen. They continue staring back and forth for two minutes. I then look at Tengen and his face is as red as a tomato.

"Ara ara~ What did you do to him Tomioka-san~" -Shinobu

"Tomioka-san doesn't seem red at all! I wonder what happened!" -Mitsuri

Oh no... How am I going to explain this...
















I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and I will write a new chapter soon!

807 words >:)

Giyuu Harem // Love or hate???Where stories live. Discover now