Aftermath/continuing the game

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Oh no... How am I going to explain this...

Giyuu's POV

Now everyone is looking at me, thank god my poker face now works and I don't have to slow down my breathing again. Ever since I got injured in a demon fight, my lungs hurt and I sometimes have some trouble breathing. Kocho told me it would be over in two weeks, so it's fine.

"Could you tell us what happened?" -Kyojuro

"I- uhm-"

"You what?" -Shinobu

"I kissed him" -Tengen

Everyone now looks at Tengen, giving him death glares. Then they all look at me.

"Tomioka-san~ can you confirm that he told the truth?" -Shinobu

I nod and the room goes silent. I never felt so awkward before, well actually I have, it was when Obanai's snake bit Tengen and he blamed me for some reason. And a few other times, but we don't talk about that. 

"How was it?" -Kyojuro

I want to say 'dreadful', but I don't want to hurt Tengen's feelings. Instead, I just walk to the table and sit down. Everyone then follows and sits down as well, continuing the game. Tengen was still receiving a lot of death glares, I guess that's because it's a corps rule not to kiss a co-worker.

"Tengen, truth or dare" -Kyojuro

"He was picked before! Ask someone else!" -Mitsuri

"Alright, Tomioka-san, truth or dare" -Kyojuro

Wasn't I picked last time? Why did no one care that I was picked again? This all feels way too weird. I just shrug it off and say:


"Mmhh... I dare you to drink some beer" -Kyojuro


"Yes, beer." -Kyojuro

"Can I order it myself?"

"That's okay." -Kyojuro

He probably thinks that I have a low tolerance for alcohol and tries to get me drunk. Haha, jokes on him. I know that this restaurant has alcohol-free beer. I wonder why he actually wants me to drink beer. I guess I'll never know. I quickly order some alcohol-free beer without letting the hashira hear my order. I drink the beer and continue:

"Next turn."

They seemed kind of surprised nothing happened, but I know that Kanroji always checks restaurants before eating at them, so she will probably realize soon enough.

"Alright then" -Kyojuro

"Shinobu, truth or dare!" -Mitsuri

"I think I will go with truth~" -Shinobu

"Who do you like?" -Mitsuri

"Ara ara~ I did not expect that question" -Shinobu

"Well, who is it?" -Mitsuri

"Well, it's _____" -Shinobu













You will have to wait until the next chapter >:D

Anyway, I am going to add some dad joke(s) at the end of every chapter, because I love dad jokes

Why do fathers take an extra pair of socks when they go golfing?

In case they get a hole in one 😉

Sorry if it was short, I hope you enjoyed reading this!

Have a glorious day!

445 words 💅

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