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A/N: Sorry for not posting again! My laptop is fixed and I can start writing again, so I hope I don't lose motivation!

Also, requests are always welcome, so if you have a request for a future chapter, put them somewhere in the comments!


I love the happy moments... The moments when no one seems to care. The moments when everyone seems happy and joyful. I wish could have those moments. Nothing is impossible... Right?

Depressed guy (Giyuu)'s POV:

I need a break.

Like seriously.

I can't do this again.


Mitsuri suddenly came to my door and asked me to come to a sleepover. I agreed to go to the cafe because they had salmon daikon. (He never managed to eat because of the chaos)

I had to agree because she said she would tell Master if I didn't.

Now I am standing at the butterfly mansion's door and am regretting all my life choices.

I knock on the door hesitantly and it immediately opens.

"HE'S HERE!!!" -Tengen

Tengen pulls me inside of the estate, looks at the hand he is holding, turns red, and quickly lets go of my wrist.

"YAY" -Mitsuri

Shouldn't they be a bit less excited to see me?

"Finally, we were waiting for you, dipshit." -Sanemi

"Sorry, my estate is pretty far from here and-"

"It doesn't matter! At least you're here. That's what matters!" -Kyojuro

"Oh, okay."

"I was so excited for the sleepover I came 3 hours early!!!" -Mitsuri

"...Me too..." -Sanemi

"And me too!" -Kyojuro

"Me too! Flamboyantly of course!" -Tengen

"Me too." -Obanai

"Wait, why am I here again?" -Muichiro

"Nice outfit Tomioka." -Sanemi

Oops... I forgot I am wearing a Yukata.

Sanemi smirks at Kyojuro for no reason.

Kyojuro looks at him with a death glare.

What happened between those two? (You happened lol)

"What game shall we play?" -Shinobu

"Maybe truth or dare?" -Mitsuri

"Hell nah, ain't doing that shit again." -Sanemi

This is the first time I ever agreed with Sanemi.













I hope you liked this chapter, even if it was short!

RIP boiling water,

You will be mist       *Evil chuckle* 

Just ignore that :)

Have a glorious day!

329 words :D

Giyuu Harem // Love or hate???Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat