Chapter 1

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-Zayla's POV-

At last, it is my break from my High Class Boarding School.I got in there when I was like 12 because my dad wanted me to have a better learning than my other siblings , but I know the reason behind it is even bigger.

As I packed my suit case in my room, my friend Acacia enters probably to bother me and make me waste time like always.I rolled my eyes as she spoke.


I led a laugh knowing she only screams and yells when she wants either something.Creepy right? I know this because we've been roomies since forever.

"What do you want Caca? I'm sorta busy if you haven't noticed already"

She led a sigh and fake sobbed.Oh boy , she's being dramatic now.I don't even know how we are even friends , but hey , we're roomies so there's no escape , but even with all her negative stuff , she's still my bestie.

"Um , Sorry Zayla , I just came to say bye since you know , we aren't seeing each other for awhile and I'm leaving now."

That changed everything.I stood up and hugged her as she did to me , we then said our bye bye's and off Caca left to California , where her family lives.Now I am left alone packing again , still waiting for my dad to call me and inform me about the tickets.Speaking about him , here he calls me at last.

"Hey ZayZay" he casually says.

A grin grew on my face as I heard his voice .I really did miss my family.

"Hi daddyy,im done packing, did you send me the tickets?"

"Yup, they are in your e-mail,don't forget to print them"

Man , I miss living in Bradford , so many memories there from my childhood and I miss it.But I know everything that happened was done for a good reason.

"Suree, and byee 'cause i gotta go sleep for tommorrow"

"I can't wait to see you baby , love you" 

He then ended the phone call.I know that just even with minutes from talking , he already made my day.Tomorrow is to special for anything to even go wrong and stuff.

Anyways , I am now on Twitter checking out the news.I have the usual tweets from my friends saying I look like Zayn Malik from One Direction.Speaking about One Direction , I'm a hardcore fangirl.I was scrolling through my feed when I see a new tweet from Zayn.

@zaynmalik : taking a break before tour starts, gonna head back home , goodnight xxx

I instantly retweeted it,even though he will never see it no matter how much I dream and fangirl.I retweeted it and replied him a message :

@zaylamalik : @zaynmalik Coincidence enough huh? Im heading back home too :)

With that being done , I closed my laptop and drifted off into my precious beauty sleep.

-Zayn's POV-

I had been calling dad for like the tenth time,on the eleventh ring that he finally answers.Goodness what is wrong with people today? I know it hasn't been my day today but seriously?

"Sorry Zaynie i took so long"

"It's okay dad" I sighed.My dad nowadays doesn't care much about me anymore , he's to busy with either work , family and then the only time he bearly cares about me and realizes he has a son too is when I come home.It's like I'm invisible , opposite of my mum.She calls and texts me everyday , something that I think will never change.

"Umm the reason i called you was if you had my ticket, you didn't need to buy it you know" I told him kind of harshly I guess because I heard him sigh and clear his throat.

"No worries,i wanted to do it anyways kiddo"

Kiddo huh ? Like he cares...

"It's fine dad , well , I got to go and rest or I'll never leave New York , see you tomorrow"

With that being said , I ended up the phone call.You can notice by now my relationship with my dad hasn't been it's best.We do have history together in our past.Starting off by the secret her keeps from me when I was like 12 about my sisters.Everytime I tried to ask him in the past about it , he just shrugs it off and changes the topic.Sometime soon , I ended up realizing it's probably not so important since he doesn't want me to know.

After that happened , I packed my remaining clothes in my suit case and went to check on the lads , this is probably the last time we will all see each other and be together until we are touring , since we are visiting our families.I approach All of the lads and say them goodbye, but Louis fake sobs and tells me something rather funny.

"Hey Malik, don't forget to charm the Bradford Ladies eh?" 

Apart from that being funny , he did it in a weird voice plus a weird face.I nodded and waved at him as I left the hotel room.I made my way to my room and finished packing up the missing stuff.When I was done , I was finally in my bed and felt relaxed after a long tiring day.I decided to tweet out something then , it's the least I can do now , I'm too lazy to do something else.

@zaynmalik : taking a break before tour starts , gonna head back home , goodnight X

After that went on , I felt my eyes get droopy so I shut my phone , put it charging , turned the lights off and finally was having my well deserved sleep.I hope tomorrow is a better day than today , which I know it will.

// So that is chapter 1 !! I will post more often than before hehehe,  i will post chapter 2 and 3 sooner than you  think ;) Well , I guess this is my time to say goodbye now! //

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