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It was a normal day for y/n; she was working at her job as a bartender. It was July 4th, so business was hectic the whole day. After a long day of work, y/n finally got off work and went home. "What a tiring day. I can't wait to go home and sleep," she sighed while walking home. Y/n felt a wave of uneasiness settle over her, and she felt as if someone was following her. She kept looking behind her but saw no one. "I'm probably just overthinking it because of how tired I am," she mumbled to herself and continued to walk home. Just as she reached her home, she noticed that the door was flung open. "What in the world!" she exclaimed as she went to check out what had happened. As she stepped in, she noticed that everything in her house was ruined. Her cat, Asem, ran to her meowing. "Asem dear, what's wrong?" y/n asked as she picked him up. Suddenly everything went black. A few hours later, y/n woke up to the voices of two men arguing. "David, I'm not the one who brought the stupid cat. It was you!" exclaimed one. "No, you brought the stupid cat, Adam. Whatever, just get rid of it," the other said. Y/n assumed the second guy would be David. After realizing that they were talking about Asem, y/n screamed, "Don't touch Asem!" The two men looked at each other in confusion, "Who's Asem?" Y/n tried to grab Asem but failed due to being tied up. "Oh, it's the cat," one of the men said. She assumed it was Adam. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ASEM!" y/n screamed while trying to untie herself. The men looked at each other and chuckled, "Relax, we won't touch the Adam or Asam, whatever the cat's name is." Y/n gave up on untying herself and relaxed as the men agreed not to touch Asem. "Who are you guys, and why did you guys tie me up?" y/n demanded. As she checked her surroundings, she realized they were on a plane. "WHAT THE FRICKITY FRACK, WHY THE HELL ARE WE ON A PLANE? GET ME OFF!" she yelled. The two men looked at each other, annoyed, as David spoke, "Y/n, if you don't shut the *bad word* up, we'll actually throw you off the plane." "I DON'T CARE. THROW ME OFF THE PLANE. IT'S BETTER THAN BEING KIDNAPPED." y/n exclaimed. Adam approached her and put something close to her face. Suddenly, she was unconscious again. "Thank god there's some peace and quiet again," David sighed. "She's such a hassle. I don't know how boss will deal with her," Adam said. The two men continued their journey with y/n unconscious and Asem meowing every two seconds.

A/n: oh my little days its almost 2am and I have a social 20 quiz tomorrow😰 #littleslayer #itscommonsense #imfailing #woof! anyways whatever! I literally can't take this seriously like even though this is a joke it's so LMAO. well goodnight furries!

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