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A few hours later y/n woke up in a foreign environment. She scanned her surroundings and found herself laying on a couch in a room. She quickly sat up and noticed a figure sitting in a chair. "Good morning, darling," he spoke, his face buried in papers. "Who are you? And what do you want from me?" she demanded. The man, still not looking up from his papers, responded, "Thomas, and sweetie, I'm only claiming what's mine." Y/n was confused, what did he mean by claiming what's his? "Thomas the choo-choo train?" she laughed, "And what do you mean by what's yours?" He sighs, clearly frustrated, "You ask too many questions, can you shut up and let me work."  Y/n shuts up and observes the man for quite a bit. She realizes that he's actually quite handsome, especially right now while he's working with his glasses on. He realizes that y/n is staring at him and smirks. "What? You find me that attractive," he chuckles and looks up at her. A blush spreads across her face "W-what n-no I was just trying to see who you are," she stutters. She calmly collects herself, "In fact, I don't think you're attractive at all." Thomas gets up, "Oh yeah?" "Actually yes, you're the most unattractive person I have met in my entire life," she said smirking. She realized that Thomas was coming really close to her and knew that she probably f*cked up. "Am I still the most unattractive person you've met?" he whispered in her ear while he inched closer and closer. Before she knew it she was pinned against the wall. "Answer me," he growled. She tried to reply with a fierce "yes" but ended up muttering a shy "N-no." He chuckled at the mess in front of him. He knew the effect he had on people but he had never felt so proud of it until he saw y/n being a stuttering mess. He smirked and walked away from y/n, "That's what I thought." Y/n's heart was racing and she knew that she f*cked up big time. She knew he was really attractive and knew that if he did something like this again, she wouldn't be able to contain her cool. She cleared and throat and walked back to the couch. "So, what do you want from me?" she asked. He started working again and answered, "Nothing, you're just mine now. So of course you will stay with me." 

A/n: oh my little furry days I think I'm starting to take this seriously😰🙏

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