Rules and Character List

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It is 1967 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Curtis gang is a tight knit group and won't let anyone mess with their family. Like any gang, there are rules. 

Big rules:

No heaters (guns)

No drugs

No alcohol until you are 16 (legal age is 21)

No walking alone with out a blade

Small rules:

No back talking or derogatory language

Do as you are told

Clean up after yourself when at the Curtis home

Everyone helps with dinner if they want food

Character list:

Darrel Curtis

Nicknames: Darry, Dar-bear, Superman

Age: 21


He is the leader of the Curtis gang. Darry love his boys. He is the legal guardian of Sodapop, Johnny, and Ponyboy. Soda and Pony are his biological brothers and he adopted them when their parents died two years ago. Johnny was brought into their family six months ago. He wanted to get Johnny away from his abusive parents. Even though they aren't legally his, Darry also looks after Two-bit, Dally, and Steve. Darry knows that his boys sometimes see him as a hard-ass. He is very strict about his big rules, but he like to give a little slack when it comes to the smaller stuff. He hates having to punish any of the boys, but isn't afraid to show who's in charge. He mainly uses his belt on the older boys and uses lighter punishments for the younger ones. 

Keith Mathews

Nickname: Two-bit, Two

Age: 18


He usually find trouble for his foul mouth and constant jokes/pranks. He mainly uses his hand when it comes to spanking the boys. It doesn't happen a lot, but when it does, he delivers a solid beat down. Two-bit lives with his mother and sister. He isn't big on chores, so Darry tends to step in. Two is in his senior year, for the second time, and is expected to graduate. 

Dallas Winston

Nicknames: Dally, Dal

Age: 17

Mainly a spankie but will give a spanking out if he has to.

Dallas is from New York. He moved to Tulsa after his dad lost his job. The first person he met was Darry. Dally ran with a wild gang in NY. He had a reputation and has spent 9 months in the cooler. Darry invited him to join his outfit with some conditions. He mainly just can't do anything too illegal. Although, Dally usually gets in trouble with the law, which gets him in trouble with Darry. He is no stranger to Darry's belt. Dally's soft spot is Johnny. Everybody knows that and he isn't shy about his favoritism to his little brother. When Dally spanks, he does so with his hand. He doesn't like to use objects because he gets worried about his temper. He joined the gang when he was 15 and love his makeshift family. He dropped out of school officially when he turned 16, but he never attended any classed in New York or in Tulsa.

Steven Randle

Nicknames: Steve, Stevie

Age: 16


Steve gets into trouble a lot with Sodapop. When they get together, Steve tends to get carried away. He likes to see how far he can push the limits without getting caught. Soda is no help and is right with him, doing the stupidest thing they could think of. They spend a lot of time getting whipped together, as well. Steve lives with his dad. They don't talk much to each other, but when they do, it tends to lead to a fight. Steve knows that Darry would take him in if he and his old man ever really got into it or if he just asked. He just wants to try and work it out. Even if that means getting a beer bottle thrown at his head from time to time. 

Sodapop Curtis

Nicknames: Soda, Pepsi, pretty boy

Age: 16


Soda is the second oldest Curtis. He dropped out of school as soon as he turned 16. He hated school and would always skip all of his classes. He now works at the DX across town and gives his paychecks to Darry to help pay the bills. He keeps his tips to use as "fun money" for himself. Soda gets into a lot of trouble with Steve,  but he tends to get into a lot of fights. Many people underestimate him because of his pretty face, but he is a very good fighter. When he isn't fighting, he gets into trouble for his extreme forgetfulness. Darry will ask him to do something, then he'll get distracted, and end up forgetting what he was supposed to do. He doesn't do it on purpose, he just forgets.

Johnathan Cade

Nicknames: Johnny, the pet

Age: 15


Johnny rarely gets into trouble. He is often described as "a kicked puppy." Darry says that he is well behaved, but everyone knows that he is too scared to cause trouble. Darry has been taking care of him for 6 months, but he has known Darry for most of his life. Johnny is very thankful for Darry and his other brothers. It took a lot of convincing to get Johnny to move in and be adopted by Darry. He didn't believe that he deserved to live with them and he didn't want to be a burden. Johnny is very thoughtful and is always putting everyone before himself. The gang is working on getting him to put himself first sometimes. Johnny is also very careless with his safety. He walks the streets alone without a blade and stays out really late in places where he shouldn't be. He gets into trouble with Darry and Dally for not using his head. Dally will be the first to check if he's okay and the first to lecture him about his safety.

Ponyboy Curtis

Nicknames: Pony, Pone, the baby

Age: 13 and 1/2


Pony is very proud of the half in his age. He wants to be tough like the older boys. Pony tends to get himself in trouble trying to act older. He also acts younger and throws fits when he doesn't get his way. Pony is very smart for his age and skipped the eighth grade to now be going into his freshmen year with Johnny. Johnny is his best friend and his brother. Johnny stops Pony from getting into trouble before it happens and helps get him out when he is in trouble. Pony loves Johnny, but his favorite brother is Soda. Soda is constantly speaking up for him with Darry and cuddling him after a spanking. Pony does get annoyed with Soda when he babies him, but doesn't mind sitting in his lap to watch tv.

Author's notes: Let me know what you think and feel free to give me suggestions. I hope that y'all enjoy it.

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