You're Not Alone

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3rd person POV:

Johnny is walking down the street at around 10 pm. His curfew is at 10:30 so he is heading to the house. His house. He still can't get used to calling the Curtis house his home. He knows that the boys love him and that he is legally apart of the family, but he just feels out of place. He has had many talks with both Darry and Dally about this, but no matter how hard they try, Johnny still feels out of place.

As he continues to walk, he notices a red car following him. It gets closer, so he turns the corner to see if he is being followed. The red car approached again. Johnny's stomach sank as he realized he didn't have his blade with him. He started to walk faster and soon broke into a sprint with the car gaining on him. He was still pretty far from the house and knew that he wouldn't make it. He had to fight. He wants to fight. He needs to fight.

The car soon caught up with him and pulled up on the sidewalk, cutting him off. Four Socs jumped out. "Hey you little grease. Thought you could get away, did ya?" One of them said. He looked to be the leader since the others all looked at him. "Guess we'd better teach you a lesson about speed. Boys?" He commanded. All at once, Johnny was grabbed and pinned against the wall. 

"Fuck you!" Johnny yelled, trying to swing at any of them and earning a punch the the left side of his face. "Shut up you little grease," the Soc said, putting a hand over Johnny's mouth and punching him in the ribs. 

The attack kept going for another minute or two. He was dropped to the ground and they started to kick him. That's when Johnny head a familiar voice, "Hey, back off!" The Socs stopped kicking and turned to the voice. The next thing Johnny knew was that the tires on the Soc car screeched and sped away. 

Johnny's eye was swelled shut, so he couldn't see very well. He felt two people standing over him and instinctively closed in on himself. "Hey Johnny, it's Soda. Steve's here too. Are you okay?" When he heard Soda's voice he opened his one good eye. He felt so ashamed. "I'm sorry." He cried out. Soda placed a hand on Johnny's arm and he flinched at the touch. "Steve, we've gotta get him home." Steve nodded and picked Johnny up bridal style. Johnny whined from the pain coursing through his body and heard Steve say, "Damn those Socs. If I ever see them again, I'll kill 'em."

They made it back to the Curtis house in about ten minutes. Two-bit's car was parked in the driveway. When they walked in, they were immediately covered in worried looks from the whole gang. "What the hell happened?" Darry asked. 

Dally and Two moved off of the couch and let Steve lay Johnny down. Johnny whimpered in pain. "He was jumped by some Socs," Soda said. "We chased 'em off and brought him straight here." 

Darry walked over to Johnny and examined him. "Dal, help me get his shirt off," Darry said. Johnny pulled his arms around himself. Dally came up beside him and grabbed his wrists.

"Hey Johnny, we just gotta take your shirt off to see that your okay." He said and pulled Johnny's arms away from his body while Darry pulled his shirt off. His ribs were bruised all over his left side. His right didn't looks as bad but, it still wasn't much better. 

"Pony, can you go get a bag of frozen peas from the icebox?" Darry asked. Pony nodded and walked away from his friend. They got his ribs taken care of and started to look at his face. His left eye was completely swollen shut and his right cheek had a real big shiner on it. He was going to be sore for a few days but, there was nothing that they could do to stop that. They decided to let him sleep and talk to him in the morning. Dally insisted on staying in Johnny's room to protect him from the Socs but, Darry knew that Dally just wanted to be close if his little brother needed him.

Author notes:

Hey everyone! Sorry that this is so short and that I haven't updated in forever. I lost my account for a long time and just got it back. This one should be 2 parts so I will try to have the next part out by tomorrow. If you have any prompt suggestions lmk. Feel free to leave some feedback on this post! Thx!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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