The Importance of Boundaries in Friendship Part 2

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Hey there, guys! Part 2 is finally here, and today we'll be diving into the wonderful world of friendship

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Hey there, guys! Part 2 is finally here, and today we'll be diving into the wonderful world of friendship. Now, I may have completed school without any friends, but fear not, because I've managed to make some amazing friends in different places and with people of different ages.

Having friends is a crucial aspect of our lives, but it's important to remember that we can't just befriend anyone. As the saying goes, "Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are." This quote holds true because even if we ourselves are good people, having a bad friend can easily influence us in a negative way. We can't blindly trust just anyone, as appearances can be deceiving. In this world, there are good and bad people, and unfortunately, we don't have super glasses to detect the bad ones. So, it's crucial for us to stay alert and cautious, as we might end up getting hurt by the wrong company.

When engaging with people, it's important to pay attention to the hints that God might show us about their true nature. Sometimes, we might catch glimpses of their true colors but choose to ignore them. My advice? Don't ignore those red flags.

Don't be a doormat, my friend. You're not a free sample at Costco. Stand tall and don't let people treat you like a forgotten pizza box - used and tossed aside. You're more like a rare, limited edition collectible. So, keep your value high and your self-esteem higher. Don't let others use you and then discard you like yesterday's leftovers. You're a VIP, not a disposable coupon!

Finding a genuine friend can be as difficult as solving for x in an equation. So, take your time and think carefully before choosing a friend. Look for someone who enhances your character and uplifts you, rather than someone who brings you down. It's all fun and games until your friend becomes your competition, but it's important to have that healthy competitive spirit. Find a friend who will help you grow and support you, rather than someone who sabotages your success.

Remember, your first and best friend is yourself. Take care of yourself by prioritizing your own development. Then, seek connections that lift you up, support you during difficult times, and genuinely celebrate your happiest moments and successes in life....

Let's cherish the power of friendship and surround ourselves with those who bring out the best in us.


Let's spill some tea about my fake friends and the red flags I ignored, only to regret it later on~

1. Pathetic Patty - This friend is a master at playing the sympathy card and loves to push others down the hill, making them the scapegoats. It's truly a red flag. I was part of a group of friends where fights would break out, and there was always this one little cashew nut who would do something wrong, only to start crying and blaming others, playing the victim. She even pulled this act on teachers, hoping they would feel pity for her. It was hard to watch this scene unfold.

2. The Backstabber - I've encountered many backstabbers in my life, but there was one friend, my ex-best friend, who secretly disliked seeing me succeed academically. During a class debate, I asked her to be on my team, but she didn't take my side. It was humiliating, just like the feeling Steve Jobs had when he got deceived in that board of directors meeting. She took the side of my enemy, and she knew it. These types of people are like snakes that you should avoid at all costs. They can be detrimental to your life. Don't even share your future plans with them because they will try to copy you, to be just like you. Here's a warning sign: these so-called friends will text or call you several times a day before exams to know about your preparation and then lie to you that they didn't even touch the book.(please give them the Oscar award)

3. Fooling-around Frank - These individuals might be your friends just because they are kind to you but stay alert because their main objective is to distract you from your study plans. They come to you with their friendly chatter, but don't be fooled. They only want to waste your time. Before meeting them, you may have had clear academic goals and aspirations, but after spending time with them, your plans may go astray. They want to ruin your reputation in school and make you believe that passing is more important than studying hard and excelling in your exams. They want you to become just like them. At the end of the day, they want you to fail with them and call it "friendship goals." Sometimes, they will even put you down just to climb higher and achieve their own goals. Don't be fooled by these plastic bags masquerading as friends.

4. The China Product - These people are so fake that even China agrees that they didn't make them. They claim they would die for you, but trust me, they're the first ones to run away when you encounter a problem. And when they gossip to you, don't mistake it for a BFF goals. They carry out this behavior everywhere, even gossiping about you behind your back while smiling in your face.

These are just a few types of fake friends I've encountered in my life, but I know that these fake friend packages can come in different forms and packages. I'm sure many of you can relate to the types of fake friends I've described. People always take advantage when you let your guard down, so create your worth. When they see you, they should know that you're not someone to mess with. Being kind is a good thing, but in this world, we can't be careless because there are predators waiting for the right chance to break you and rise above you. Remember, only the fittest survive. The lion doesn't feel pity for the deer; it only cares about its own hunger. And the deer doesn't feel bad because the lion was in hunger, it has the strong will to survive. No matter where you go, always keep this in mind.


End note;

Hey there, guys! So, maybe in the past, you had some regrets about those Chinese products that may have fooled you. But you know what? It's all good now because you've learned your lesson. It's in your blood not to fall into their dirty traps again. Regretting won't bring anything but pain and stress, so let's focus on taking care of your first best friend: you. And you should do it in the best way possible!

In conclusion, it is preferable to have no friends at all rather than associating with non-eco-friendly creatures as friends. Because, you know, who needs them when you can save the planet instead?

Everything will fall into place at the right time, so it's important to be patient. Some things may take longer than others, but it's important to trust the process and have faith that everything will work out in the end. It may be challenging to wait for things to happen, but try to stay positive and focus on the present moment instead of worrying about the future. Keep moving forward, take action where possible, and trust that everything will work out in its own time.

𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐝𝐨𝐦; 

"𝑃𝑎𝑦 𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑝 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑖𝑛"


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