final component

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Roman Torchwick, accompanied by the black robot suit controlled by the skilled operator, infiltrates the heavily guarded facility. The duo moves swiftly through the shadows, utilizing their combined skills to avoid detection and overcome security systems.

As they reach the Dust storage area, Roman smirks, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. 

roman: We're getting closer to our prize," he whispers. 

The robot suit, its red accents glinting in the dim light, stands guard as Roman swiftly collects the valuable Dust, carefully storing it in secure compartments within the suit.

Their attention then turns to the heavily fortified room containing the red core. Roman approaches the door, assessing the security measures in place. 

roman: Looks like they really don't want anyone touching this thing," he mutters.

 The operator skillfully manipulates the robot suit, analyzing the complex security protocols and finding a way to disable them.

With the door unlocked, Roman and the robot suit step into the room, their gazes fixed on the power core's pulsating energy. 

roman: This is it, the key to unimaginable power," Roman remarks, his voice filled with excitement. The robot suit's grip tightens around the stolen Dust and the red core, ensuring their safe transport.

Just as they are about to make their escape, alarms blare, and the room is flooded with flashing red lights. Pro Hero Red riot aka kirishima and Charge bolt aka denki appear, their determined expressions matching their heroic spirits.

Kirishima steps forward, his voice resolute. "Criminals like you won't get away with this!" His hardened Quirk-enhanced body glimmers with a harden determination.

Denki crackles with electricity, his fingers sparking. "We're putting an end to your thieving spree right here!" he declares, electricity dancing around him.

The robot suit, piloted by the skilled operator, readies itself for combat, shield raised protectively. Roman smirks confidently. "Seems we have some unwanted guests," he taunts. "Let's make this interesting, shall we?"

The fight begins with Kirishima charging forward, his hardened fists striking the robot suit's shield with incredible force. The impact reverberates through the room, but the suit stands firm, absorbing the blows.

Denki follows up with a torrent of electricity, crackling bolts lashing out. The robot suit's circuits surge with energy, its defensive systems working overtime to withstand the electric assault.

The operator skillfully maneuvers the suit, countering Kirishima's attacks with swift, calculated strikes. The suit's sharp, angular movements allow it to land precise blows, exploiting any openings in the heroes' defenses.

Denki's lightning bolts rain down, but the robot suit's shielding holds strong, dispersing the electrical energy harmlessly. Sensing an opportunity, the operator directs the suit to launch a calculated counterattack. With speed and agility, the suit closes the distance, delivering a series of powerful strikes, sending Kirishima staggering backward.

"Is that all you've got?" Roman taunts, watching the battle unfold. "Time to show them what we're made of!"

The fight rages on, a whirlwind of punches, energy discharges, and strategic maneuvers. The heroes refuse to back down, displaying unwavering determination in their attempts to subdue Roman and the robot suit.

However, despite their best efforts, the combined strength, agility, and defensive capabilities of the robot suit, guided by the skilled operator, prove to be a formidable challenge for Kirishima and Denki. With every exchange, the suit adapts, analyzing the heroes' fighting styles and finding ways to exploit their weaknesses.

Realizing their chances of victory are slim, Kirishima and Denki intensify their attacks, coordinating their efforts to overwhelm the suit. But Roman and the operator seize the opportunity, creating a diversion that allows them to slip past the heroes and make a swift escape.

As they disappear into the shadows, Roman's laughter echoes through the facility, a testament to their successful heist. The black robot suit, now carrying the stolen Dust and the red core, stands as a testament to their ingenuity and determination.

Despite their valiant efforts, Kirishima and Denki are left standing, catching their breath and vowing to bring the criminals to justice.

And so, Roman Torchwick and the black robot suit, under the skilled guidance of the operator, slip away into the night, their ill-gotten gains in hand, leaving behind a defeated but undeterred duo of heroes determined to apprehend them and put an end to their criminal activities.

Roman and the black robot make there way to a bluet head and fly off from the facility making there way to a warehouse on the outskirts torchwick and the robot make their way in the the warehouse and siting there the skilled operator himself y/n  

roman: well that went swimmily wouldn't you say" he says smiling 

y/n: seem so, i wasn't expecting us to win honestly" 

roman: really?' he said surprised

y/n: yup i thought back up would have arrived and surrounded us, but we managed to escape scot free"

y/n gets up out of his chair walking toward his robot and opens all of the compartments letting roman collecting all the valuable dust and having the white fang load it up on the bullet head to take back to base and y/n takes the red core holding it using his protective cloves 

roman: so what do you plan to do with that red core. take over the world or just 

y/n: Torchwick, you always were perceptive. Power is certainly a tempting mistress, but it's not my only motivation. With the red core, I could bring the world to its knees, finally showing that a normal human can power

Roman Torchwick: But don't you think that kind of power comes with a hefty price? There's always someone out there willing to challenge you, y/n. And I have a feeling it won't be just the hero's

y/n: Torchwick, you underestimate me. I am prepared for any opposition that dares to stand in my way. As for the price, I'm willing to pay whatever it takes to attain true power. I thrive on challenges, and those who dare to defy me will only fuel my determination to succeed.

Roman Torchwick: Well, y/n, it seems your destined to dance this dangerous tango. Just remember, power may corrupt, but it also attracts unwanted attention. The higher you rise, the harder you fall. And when you do, I'll be there to watch it all crumble.

Miles Dredd: We shall see, Torchwick. But mark my words, when the red core's power is unleashed, the world will tremble at my feet. And you, my friend, will be nothing more than a footnote in my ascent to ultimate power. 

a few hour after torchwick and his men leave 

y/n walk up the suit of armor and open up the chest cavity place the red core into it after doing so the cavity closes and begins integrating the red core into its systems 

y/n: computer how long will it be until the red core is integrated 

computer: approximately 1 week sir. 

y/n: alright then when Wednesday hits prep the prime sentinel its time i show the students of unity dredd! 

y/n: alright then when Wednesday hits prep the prime sentinel its time i show the students of unity dredd! 

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