An End

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A lot of things happened. They happened so fast that I failed to understand what went wrong.

I did not know how we drifted apart. I wished somebody warned me before the ultimate fall.

One day, I just saw myself lying on the floor...with my heart shattered into many pieces, and my tears could not stop falling. Then a memory of you flashed into my mind, causing much confusion and ache.

These days made me realize I was the only one falling for you. You left me hanging.

Do you love me? No, you don't love me the way that I love you.

I want to make the pain go away. I want to end everything.

I want to stop thinking about you and how you made me feel special.

I want to forget you... or at least the feelings associated with every memory of you.

Let me bury those memories of us... one by one each day. Everything is too painful to remember.

I will do my best to forget. I owe that to myself. I need to free myself from these invisible traps of our past.

I guess this is finally goodbye.

This is the end of a chapter: a chapter of loving you. 

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