A Reflection About My Past Relationships

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Today marks the end of a cycle. Before the pandemic, I kept thinking about my past relationships in all aspects of my life. 

I must let go of some karmic relationships because they served their purpose: these people came into my life to teach me a lesson. I need to learn and experience something that will help me become a better person in the future, no matter how painful it can be. Sometimes not having a closure is closure itself.

But there are very few relationships that I have to keep because they keep me grounded. They remind me of my life purpose; some belong to my comfort zone. These are the people that I rely on during my most difficult moments, for I know that they will always be there when I need them. As much as possible, I will do the same for them.

Indeed, always look out for red flags in any relationship.

It's essential to ask oneself: Is one of you becoming toxic? Is one of you becoming manipulative? Is one of you becoming narcissistic? If 'yes' answers one of the questions, there is a problem. Of course, how you will approach and solve it is up to you. There is no uniform manual on how to deal with life.

Stay in a relationship (spiritual, platonic, romantic, or otherwise) that will help you grow and inspire you. After all, all of us are still works in progress. 

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