Chapter 1: Yearnings

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*The Sinclair Theatre, L.A.*

The sinclair theatre, one of the most known theatres in Los Angeles and now hosting another party to celebrate the 4 year anniversary of their greatest success after falling down to complete shambles. No-one knows how they managed to come back up after everything that happened to it before, but everything started to happen when one young man arrived at the Theatre, seeing hope in it, and taken it into his own hands the burden to take care of it and rebuild it completely.

That young man is known as Catherine Sinclair. The public knows her as a nephew of the owner of the Theatre, Derick Sinclair. Now Catherine has become the Star singer of the Theatre and model of many Magazines, also beloved by many especially her servants because of his kind&caring demeanour,

Thats why most of them are keeping a close eye on everyone that gets too close to her.
Thats why he's so careful about getting too close to him, the servants already saw him staring for a long period of time, and some of them started to pass him one too many times to check for anything that could be used to harm Catherine.
And now, the known Detective is carefully watching for even the slightest chance to get to know the singer he so desperately wants to get to know better than just the talking of the public.

Victor-" This whole ballroom is packed, my chances at getting a chance to talk to him alone are becoming slimmer by the seconds, especially with this annoying servants of hers, I swear.."

The dark blue haired detective thought. The singer he so desperately wanted was surrounded by rich men trying to either seduce him probably because of their drunken state or because of their want for more money or trying to get her to convince the owner of the theatre partner up with them, it pissed him off, he knew the owner long before the theatre fell from its old reputation, those rich men didn't knew jack shit about this theatre, the owner and especially the singer.
He didn't knew a lot about him, sure, but the owner told him about her, so he knew more than those other man anyway.

Victor-".. Fuck it."

He said as he drowned the drink in his hand down his throat, making his way towards Catherine.
He pushed through some of the men there and took the singers hand in his to get her attention.

Victor-" Good evening sir Sinclair, my name is Victor Madras, the head detective of the city."

He began as he kissed the back of the hand of Catherine.

"Would u do me a favour and decide to take this conversation outside?"

Catherine paused for a little, until his eyes widened a little, recognising the man in front of her.
He looked back at the man who looked annoyed.

Catherine-" please excuse me for a moment gentlemen."

And they both left with Victor still holding Catherines hand forcefully while glaring at the rest of the drunken rich men that glared back at him.

*Outside, in the garden*

Catherine-" Sir Madras, You can let go of my hand now. Those man are not around us anymore."

He smiled softly knowing exactly why he kept on holding his hand even after she let go, he still gripped his hand.

Victor-" But it's so soft and so nice to hold, I don't think I would be able to let go of it so easily~"

Guns&Roses| detective x singerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant