Chapter 3: The show&The begining

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*At the Sinclair Theatre*

A nice noisy, chilly night and a calming, sweet performance always went well together, especially when that performance is from the Sinclair Theatre and the performer is Catherine himself.
All dolled up, in a nice silk dress, with a captivating red colour and black gloves& big fur, sparkling jewellery and beautiful makeup. But the cherry on top was her angelic soft voice, the calming tone used for every word in the song and every note being as soft as the petals of a rose..
At least those are some of the many thoughts of the people in the crowd, of all the women who admired her beauty and envied him for it at the same time, of all the man who drooled and watched her, like a hawk watching its prey, ironically, that could be true, but the servants and the owner would never let that happen. But one sly fox was beginning to be more and more smarter, making it more painfully harder to keep the young man away from him, especially after performances..

'Where does he think he's going?'

Derick thought as his eyes followed a certain blue-purple haired man heading towards the backstage area.
This was the 20th time he's done this after the few weeks the two of them have gotten 'together' so to say, if he is going to keep this up then fights with the other man drooling over Catherine are going to rise, and I am getting too old and tired for them..

Derick started to make his way over to Victor who has gotten into the backstage area a lot more earlier this time, most of the servants didn't try to stop him when he made his way in since they saw the owner right behind him, but they still kept an eye close.

Derick-" Oi, The fuck are doing here again Victor? I thought I told you many times that this place is restricted for outsiders."

Victor-" Oh come on now mate, how can you can call me an outsider so casually after all the time we've known each other? But also when I am practically a very close friend to your nephew~."

Derick glared daggers into his soul through his eyes, it was true that they've known each other for over 10 years, but they were never close friends, this man had a habit that the man distasted with his heart, and him getting close to his nephew like that surely didn't help the hatred wash away.

Derick-" Tsk- You keep your paws away from my niece you hear me Madras! I'm not gonna let you turn him into one of your stupid toys that you just play with and then throw them like trash!"

Victor just looked straight into the older mans eyes as they glared deep into him, holding him by the collar of his button up, knuckles and fingers white with how strong his grip was.

Victor-" Careful Derick.. we wouldn't want our sweet Angel finding out about anything she shouldn't know would we?~"

He smiled, a sly, creepy, sadistic smile.

Derick-" Why YOU-!"

He was almost gonna punch him, he was almost gonna beat him to the brink of Death, almost

Catherine-" Derick?.."

'How is this Universe so good on this pathetic man?'
He thought as he slowly let go of the Detective.

Catherine-" Victor? You're not supposed to come here, this place is restricted."

Victor-" I know songbird, but I just couldn't resist! I missed holding you in my arms!"

Catherine-" That's sweet Detective, but we already had a hangout two days ago, so please leave and don't cause anymore trouble."

He looked at him for a bit, kinda taken a back, he thought he would invite him into her room. At least that's what most used to do. But he just smiled and agreed.
Once he left Catherine turned to his Uncle.

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