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It's strange but with the revelations about his ancestry

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It's strange but with the revelations about his ancestry. Grey found himself sleeping relatively well last night.

Was everything that revealed crazy and potentially earth-shattering?


But oddly, It all made sense.

Of course, Grey was still grappling with the whole notion that witches, vampires, and werewolves exist.

And he, himself was an immortal witch.

But all this was a better explanation than the one he had previously as he drove home last night.

He honestly believed he was going crazy.

Or was potentially going to die?

Today was the annual founder's party at the Lockwood Manor.

And because Amanda was seen as an important member of the town, Grey was somehow mandated to attend.

Grey didn't like the founders.

Something about a group of white families meeting in secret didn't sit right with him.

Just as he was about to prepare for the day his phone rang.

George: Are we getting ready for the party at your place or mine? George asked

Grey: I'm thinking your place, especially since I left my favorite tuxedo at your place," Grey said as he got up and looked through his closet

Grey: And here's hoping you did not wear it

George burst into laughter

George: That old thing? I would never wear that tailored, body-snatching mess

Grey started laughing as well mainly because he knew where this was going.

George: You do know I'm wearing it tonight, right? George asked

Grey could sense the puppy eyes through the phone.

Grey: Fine, I'll find something else to wear," Grey said as he ruffled through his closet searching for a suit.

George: Thanks Best Friend, see you later.

Grey dropped the phone call.

After he was done taking a shower, The Harris male went downstairs for breakfast.

"Hello, Mom," Grey said as he sat down

"Hello, Sweetheart," Amanda said

"And how are you feeling after everything?

"I'm fine, I think, " Grey said as he ate his oatmeal

"I think I'm still processing,"

"Take all the time you need baby," Amanda said as she set two cups of tea on the table

The Vampire Diaries- The Insurgence - Grey Laurent-HarrisWhere stories live. Discover now