"Welcome home"

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Stood before you was the shadow of a boy you once knew. That boy now very much a man. He was taller, broader, and carried himself with such authoritative demeanour as he continued his way down the staircase. The light finally caught his face which revealed those same freckles you adored so much, now accompanied by a few extra scars and creases. His eyes appeared darker than you remembered in the shadowy light, however his hair was the same as always, a perfect mess. He now had a shadow of facial hair that defined the edges of his jaw that trickled up to his suddenly prominent cheek bones.

You found yourself breathless, stood there in complete awe. All of those repressed emotions rising in an instant. As if for a moment you had left reality entirely, forgetting where you were, who you were and why.......... why was Sebastian here? You snapped back into the present.

"Thank you Mr Moon," he spoke. His voice. So deep and stern. Who even was this man towering over you? So recognisable yet so, new. A familiar stranger.

He leaned over to pick up one of the bags Mr Moon had carried in for you, pushing his white sleeve further up his forearm as he did so. Merlin, were you beginning to get flustered. As he came back up he turned to you, letting your eyes meet once again. A little smile slipped from his lips as a bigger one leaped out of yours. There he was, there was your Sebastian.

"MC," he politely nodded, finally acknowledging the elephant in the room, you.

"Sebastian," your voice trembled, still barely grasping reality. For a few short moments you were entirely lost in each other, a thousand years could have passed and neither would have noticed.

Clearing his throat, Mr Moon reminded you of his presence as you both quickly turned to him, gawking in unison.

"I need to get going, plenty to do before our new first years arrive," he chuckled. "Welcome back," he smiled to you, before disappearing into the castle.

"Follow me," Sebastian said immediately, turning his back to you and storming ahead. You grabbed your remaining bag and took after him, still spiralling about what precisely was going on. The two of you made your way around the grand staircase before reaching the hallway to the faculty tower, plunging you into darkness as you entered.

"Lumos," Sebastian whispered, illuminating his wand. His gentle voice so buttery as it kissed your ears. You both remained in painful silence as he lead you through the dark, but you were determined to break it.

"So, what exactly do you teach, Professor Sallow?" Your curiosity whispered from behind him, voice still trembling.

"Defence Against The Dark Arts," he replied rather bluntly. "Professor Hecat stepped down last year." You eagerly awaited some kind of explanation as to why or how, but he said not a word. Despite the obvious confusion at his new career, you were also quite surprised to find him teaching the subject. You were almost positive it would have been Quidditch. And besides, the Sebastian you knew was more fond of performing the dark arts than defending against them, but you supposed the two went hand in hand.

"I knew the Ministry was sending a new professor, but I certainly was not expecting... you," Sebastian mumbled, staring only at the ground as he arrived outside your room.

There was something off, but it was to be expected. It had been years, and things were not exactly left on good terms. But now he could barely look at you. All the confidence he once oozed had completely dissolved, and been replaced with a stone cold awkwardness. He even seemed different just minutes ago at the top of those stairs, it was as if the sight of you had changed him in an instant.

How Could I Ever Forget You? // Sebastian Sallow / Professor Sallow x reader/mcWhere stories live. Discover now