"Maybe I'm just as messed up as you"

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Sebastian crept in, and slowly made his way over to the drinks, failing to acknowledge you.

You found yourself desperate to approach him, desperate to ask what was over. But Garreth had you linked to his arm, with no chance of letting go.

Thankfully, Sebastian's disruption had been enough of a distraction from Garreths offer of private time, and instead Garreth was sticking to his word of 'showing you off.' The two of you mingled with everyone on the dance floor, with Sebastian hawking over you from the corner. Every now and again your eyes would meet his, those brown orbs holding a cold glare.

The guilt returned. Merlin, were you confused.

If only Sebastian knew this was all for him.

But, was it?


As the night lingered on, the room slowly began to empty. With professors stumbling out into the hallway one by one.

"It's getting late, I should get going-" you interrupted Garreths conversation with a gentle tone.

Grabbing your hand, he pulled you aside taking his other to your flushed cheek.

"Goodnight, darling," he whispered, leaning in for a final kiss.

You stepped back, your fingers still in his, smiling as you walked away lingering his grasp until your touch finally broke.

You couldn't kiss him, not in front of Sebastian. Although somehow, it seemed Garreth didn't mind. He simply stood there in his fancy robes, smiling in awe as your green dress glided with you across the floor.

As you turned, your gaze darted across the room in search of the person you truly needed right now. However Sebastian was gone, and all that remained were an array of empty chairs and tables.

As you closed the door to the Great hall behind you, you collapsed into it, gasping as you processed the night.

Garreth was so... gentle with you. And it seemed you were beginning to fall for his sweet charm, as much as it was never in the plan. Garreth made you feel appreciated, he made you feel seen. Garreth would rather spin you across a room of people than hide you in the shadows.

But Sebastian.

Merely the sight of him ignited a flaming passion that consumed every fraction of your being, leaving you as nothing but ash. Every little touch was enough to burn through pure water. Loving him was chaotic, dangerous, and yet still warm and safe. His light was the essence of your existence, essential to your survival yet the smoke was intoxicating your lungs with every breath. He was poison, but he was indispensable.

And Garreth was just... nice.

Your train of thought broke with the memory of Professor Weasley shivering in the moonlit snow, glaring out at the little island that sat deep within the obsidian waves.

Perhaps it was just a coincidence.

'His findings are very well secured'

Or perhaps the very thing you were looking for, was somewhere in that lake.


Within minutes you found yourself in the library. Sleep would forbid you until you found some kind of answer. The scent of old parchment was deeply soothing, enticing you deeper into the maze of knowledge.

As your dress brushed against the dusty wooden bookshelves, your thoughts once again returned to Sebastian. You found yourself dwelling upon the reality, if you should fail.

How Could I Ever Forget You? // Sebastian Sallow / Professor Sallow x reader/mcWhere stories live. Discover now