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Starling swooped over you, dropping a handful of letters at your desk.

Still nothing from Natty.

You let out a sigh of frustration. Despite Sebastian telling you it didn't matter, you were desperate to know what was inside that letter. This waiting game was becoming excruciating.

There was however, another letter in your hand.

Hello MC!

It's been far too long, how are you?
I'm going to be visiting my Auntie Matilda next week, and was wondering if you'd like to catch up?
Let me know!
All the best,


You shone an eager smile at the paper below you. This was exactly what you needed, a distraction.

Things between you and Sebastian had become a little awkward since Halloween. Since the night your lips were but inches away from colliding, since you received the invitation. You'd hoped he might have spared you the torture of attending his wedding, but apparently he wanted to see you you suffer, or at least it seemed that way.


After a pleasant lesson in Transfiguration, you made your way out onto the courtyard. The temperature was dipping each and every day, leaving a blanket of November frost shimmering on the castle.


You looked over your shoulder, to see Professor Weasley standing under the entrance to her classroom.

"Thank you for your help as always," she smiled.

"Of course, Professor."

"I hear my nephew is taking you out," she raised an eyebrow.

Taking you out? You hadn't really thought about it being anything more than friendly, but Professor Weasley was certainly implying something.

"Just a butterbeer is all," you said through an awkward smile.

"I don't mean to pry, so please do tell me if I am being too forward," she began. "Garreth is a lovely young man, he speaks awfully highly of you. In fact it was him who insisted I convince Professor Black to offer you the job. It's none of my business, but I could really see the two of you being... compatible."

You were stunned, to hear Professor Weasley speak this way so casually felt.. wrong. But...was she really all that wrong? Garreth had always stood by you, had been a wonderful friend. You couldn't exactly say the same about Sebastian, whose entire purpose seemed to be to torment you. It was Sebastian who got in the way of you and Garreth before, were you really going to let him do it again? After everything he did, everything he said... to hand you that invite. Was it truly worth it anymore?


"I've said too much, ignore me, dear," she interrupted. "Just have a little fun, you never know where life may take you." And with that she closed the door, leaving you stood alone in the frosty air.


Dusk had fallen, and you were still in your office, catching up on bits and bobs for the upcoming week. A gentle hum ran through the air as the wind caught the window pane, rustling against the glass. You placed down your quill as you finally completed your workload, scanning over everything to make sure you'd not missed a single detail.
Quickly, your eyes darted to the empty parchment Sebastian had given you, as words softly appeared on the paper. This was the first time either of you had actually used it, so you held your breath in anticipation for what on earth he had to say.

How Could I Ever Forget You? // Sebastian Sallow / Professor Sallow x reader/mcWhere stories live. Discover now