"You're my good luck charm"

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The letter in question had entirely slipped your mind, as it remained tucked in the back of a year old diary. A diary that was buried under your bed in your apartment, in London.

You quickly scrambled together a letter to Natty, insisting she send it back to you, however you knew it was a pointless attempt. Natty was on a prolonged secret mission. You had no clue where she was, or even when she would return home.

Your only hope was to ask Sebastian outright, as uncomfortable as that may be. As you lay in bed you kept replaying his words over and over like a broken record. Maybe you were better off not being friends? You truthfully could barely cope with the idea of him getting married. It was torture to think of it.

And what in merlins name was this important question? A question so important your friendship entirely depended on it. The concept made you dizzy, as your entire being filled with regret over being afraid to open that letter all that time ago.


The next day you were scheduled to attend your first class of his. Defence Against The Dark Arts. You could still hardly wrap your head around him teaching it, but were incredibly curious to witness it, that's for sure. As you made your way there you reminded yourself of the plan, to hang around at the end of class and confront him outright about this so called question. Cornering him so he could not avoid you any further. This little plan had your heart racing with anxiety, but it had to be done.

You eventually arrived to that oh so familiar classroom, stepping into a crowd of third year students. Sebastian emerged from his office and gazed down at the lot of you, hands on the stone balcony, leaning with a grin. He appeared with such pride, like he truly knew what he was doing. The confidence he was clearly lacking the last time you spoke had certainly retuned to him, it seemed that teaching was his spark.

The two of you stood in the very room you met, this time with such a shift in dynamics. Your minds eye kept switching from the present to the past, revisiting memories of that first duel that took place right where you stood. Although it pained Sebastian that you had beaten him, he was utterly impressed. That day changed your life forever, those moments formed everything you both would become. And despite everything, here you were. How had the universe brought you right back to where to all began? Was there some magnetic enchantment pulling the two of you together? It really had sunken in that you were not allowed to get away from each other, it seemed.

Sebastian made his way down the steps and greeted the class. It was obvious he was a clear favourite amongst the students. He was the cool professor, the one everybody liked.

He gave you a glance, to acknowledge you were there. It was nothing special, just an empty look, as if he had truly no opinion of you at all. As if you were nothing but a stranger. You couldn't help but wonder if the room brought him back to that day as it did you. His face now was certainly a contrast from that beaming grin that shone at you, as your final spell pushed him to the ground, in such awe of your abilities. It seemed that now he could not care less.

Sebastian brought the attention to a wardrobe, that stood in the middle of the room. An old dusty looking thing, with a mirror that reflected the faces of confused students.

"Today we will be learning about Boggarts," he began, pacing the room. His white shirt moving against his skin as he walked, sleeves rolled past his forearms and a tight waist coat cinching him in. His body had become quite the feast for eyes, you knew you shouldn't but you couldn't help yourself from looking.

"A Boggart, will take the form of whatever you," he paused pointing his wand to the crowd, "- fear most."

A group of girls let out a little gasp at the idea while at the same time the boys appeared rather smug, implying they do not have fear at all. A cheeky smirk slipped from Sebastian's lips as he enthusiastically swung around to the wardrobe.

How Could I Ever Forget You? // Sebastian Sallow / Professor Sallow x reader/mcWhere stories live. Discover now