12 years ago

The back doors slammed closed. Dr. Rosewood came into the livingroom to see his wife sitting on the couch.

"John?" Mrs. Rosewood asked. Dr. Rosewood looked at her.

"I didn't know you were still awake", Dr. Rosewood said.

"Let me guess, you're not making any progress?" Mrs. Rosewood asked. Dr. Rosewood shook his head. Mrs. Rosewood closed her book. "I think I found a brilliant subject. You won't even have to try to give this subject powers. This person already has them".

Rosewood's laboratory of Environmental Experiments (RIEE)

The next morning, Dr. Rosewood and his wife looked at the results of his new subject. "I'll be damned", Dr. Rosewood said. Mrs. Rosewood smiled.

"You finally discovered something. You discovered something special", she said.

"This is great. Evelyn, this is our chance!" Dr. Rosewood said excitedly. "Our chance to change the world".

"And I'll be by your side", Mrs. Rosewood said.

"And I'll be by your side, Mrs. Dr. Rosewood", Dr. Rosewood smiled. He leaned towards a microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen of the laboratory, for the first time in our line of work, we have made it to Phase 2".

There was cheering from the laboratory workers. Mrs. Rosewood smiled at Dr. Rosewood.

"I hear you have a Phase 10. What's Phase 10?" Mrs. Rosewood asked.

"Getting filthy rich with my wife", Dr. Rosewood smirked.

Present day

You walk into the cafeteria to have breakfast with the Avengers. You sat next to Tony and Peter.

"Good morning, Y/N", Natasha smiled.

You smiled back. "Good morning. Where's Dad?" You asked.

"Bruce is working on something in the lab. He said he'll join us soon", Tony said.

You searched the table for beignets. Your dad in Earth-209, Klaus Mikaelson introduced you to beignets not long after he and Hayley met you.

You saw Clint taking a beignet. "Can you pass the beignets, please?" You asked.

"Here you go, kiddo", Clint said, handing you the basket of beignets.

"Thanks", you said with a beaming smile. You put a beignet on the plate. After discovering your love for beignets, Bruce made sure beignets were served at breakfast.

You heard the bifrost outside. Your heart skipped a beat. You sighed in relief when you saw Thor was alone.

"My friends!" Thor's voice boomed.

"Good morning, Mr. Thor", Peter said.

"Good morning, spider child! I have wonderful news!" Thor said. He sets mjolnir in front of Steve's plate. He sat next to Wanda and Rhodey. "I just came back from Asgard to speak with my brother and he has finally decided to rejoin us". There was a moment of silence. Most of the people at the table looked at you. Tony looked back at Thor after a moment of silence. "Thor, you absolute idiot", Tony sighed in disappointment.

"What? I thought everyone would be happy to hear that", Thor said.

"Thor", Wanda said. She nodded towards you. Thor looked at you, which caused you to look down at your plate.

"It's fine. I will be going back to New Orleans anyways. I uh...I have some apologizing to do to Hayley", you said before taking a bite out of your beignet.

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