entry 3: I love my job

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cw: slight cnc?

Call me a pervert all you want but I love my job. Seeing so many beautiful bodies wearing nothing but short white robes, skin peaking through, the occasional glimpse of something naughty when the robe rides up. Not to mention how pretty people's bodies look covered in massage oil. And the little moans and groans as I work out a big knot.

Today I had a male customer who got an erection almost immediately after putting on the robe and it poked out from between the folds of it. At first he looked embarrassed but I reminded him that it was just the two of us, and it was nothing I hadn't seen before. Although on taking another look it was much larger than average.

He let me play with it as well eventually, which was a dream. You wouldn't believe how many nip slips we get here too. Or how many times the robes ride up when they lay down and I get to stare at someone's ass while they're lying face down and vulnerable. (Or how many times I get to massage said asses, or their holes)

Even if they weren't strictly *erotic* massages I still might grab people's asses. People seemed to like it. Something about wearing next to nothing in an enclosed room with a stranger turns just about anyone into a slut in my experience.

Speaking of nip slips though, someone came in today and her robe could not stay on properly, she got so frustrated. I couldn't help but laugh at one point and she almost slapped me.
She did let me help her fix it though and I groped her boobs as I did so, earning a slap of the hands.

Okay yeah, maybe I am a pervert. I just love staring at and groping my patients, is that so wrong?

Well, that lady thought it was at first. After she slapped me I backed off but then she had another nip slip and another, until I knew she was doing it on purpose. After the last couple slip ups she looked at me with such a helpless pout I could tell she wanted to be touched.

I chuckled to myself and grabbed her again. Under the guise of helping her out I ran my thumb over her nipple and pinched it lightly. I gazed up at her and licked my lips, and she met my gaze excitedly.

Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to take things any farther- she said she had another appointment right after this one and couldn't stay any longer- but I'm hoping to see her again and I'll write up an update.

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