Don't tell me your problems/I don't want to solve them

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And so, the rest of the ride was peaceful.

However, the entrance into the great hall was not. Harry had fun in the carriage, he and Neville were joined by Luna Lovegood and Dean Thomas.

"Seamus is being a bit of a prat, you don't mind if I join you guys, right?" None of the group minded, but Harry couldn't contain his questions.

"What is he being a prat about? Aren't you two, like, you know?" He flushed down his neck.

"You can say dating Harry," Dean laughed. "And we are. It's you he's being a prat about." Harry stared, for a minute, before looking at Neville, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Me?" He asked. "Why me? I haven't done anything flirty or overly friendly. Have I?" Dean stared, dumbfounded.

"Have you two not read the Prophet?"

"No, the two of us have really spent our summers in solitude, and even when we were together, my gran doesn't get the Prophet," Neville explained.

"Blimey Harry, that explains a lot! Here, look at this." The boy passed a newspaper to Harry, as he rubbed the back of his neck.


In a stunning turn of events, Harry Potter, the famed Boy Who Lived and the symbol of hope for the Wizarding World, has been accused of fabricating the return of the notorious dark wizard, You-Know-Who. The revelation has sent shockwaves throughout the magical community, raising doubts about the credibility of the Chosen One.

The controversy surrounding Harry Potter began to unfold during a recent interview with The Daily Prophet. When pressed about the alleged return of Voldemort, Potter hesitated and appeared evasive, failing to provide concrete evidence to substantiate his claim. This prompted skepticism from both journalists and the wizarding population at large. The speculation gained momentum when several prominent members of the wizarding community, including Ministry officials and renowned Hogwarts Board Members, voiced their doubts about Potter's assertions. Some argued that his account lacked veracity, pointing to the absence of any substantial proof or eyewitness testimonies.

Moreover, an independent investigation conducted by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement found no credible evidence supporting the resurgence of Voldemort. Aurors scoured various locations associated with dark magic and Death Eaters, but their efforts yielded no significant findings. The lack of corroborating evidence cast a shadow of doubt over Potter's statements. Critics have accused Potter of seeking attention and manipulating the truth to retain his heroic image. Detractors argue that his motive may stem from a desire to maintain his relevance in the wizarding world, particularly after the defeat of Voldemort and the subsequent decline of Death Eater activities.

Potter's supporters, on the other hand, have rallied behind him, asserting that the accusations are unfounded and aimed at tarnishing his reputation. Dumbledore argues that the young wizard has always been honest and that he deserves the community's trust and support.

The ongoing controversy has had significant implications for the Wizarding World. It has caused a division among citizens, with many questioning the credibility of their once-beloved hero. Furthermore, it has disrupted the delicate balance that had been established since the downfall of Voldemort, leaving the community uncertain about the future. The Ministry of Magic has yet to release an official statement on the matter, but sources within the Ministry suggest that a thorough investigation is underway to determine the truth behind Potter's claims. The Wizengamot, the highest judicial body in the wizarding world, is expected to convene to discuss the situation and evaluate the available evidence.

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