You're like an Empress/ You've got fire running down your cheeks

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"Hello, dear students!" A woman clad in pink said to the class. No one responded, and the women tutted. "That simply won't do. When I say hello, you will respond with Hello Professor Umbridge. Let's try that again. Hello dear students!"

"Hello, Professor Umbridge." The class chorused.

"Wonderful, now class let's put those wands away and take our books out. You won't be needing your wands this year."

"But Professor! How will we practise defence magic? We have O.W.L's this year!" Hermione blurted out. Umbridge raised an eyebrow.

"What is your name, girl?"

"Hermione Granger, ma'am, but that doesn't-"

"Ms. Granger, was it? You didn't raise your hand. I know some of your teachers may have been lacking, for lack of a better word, but you must know at least to raise your hand?" Harry watched as Hermione bristled. He raised his hand, but another student had too. She pointed at him first.

"Your name?" She asked.

"Zabini, professor. Blaise Zabini. So we're not going to be practising the spells?" He asked.

"Practising them?" Umbridge asked. "Why, I can't imagine when you need to use spells in this classroom, Mr. Zabini. Surely, you aren't proposing that you will be attacked in this classroom?"

"Of course not professor," the boy, Blaise, looked like he wanted to ask more, but the woman turned to look at Harry.

"And you are, sir?" She asked sweetly.

"Harry Potter, ma'am." He said politely. No point upsetting a teacher that may or may not try and kill him this year.

"Ah, Mr. Potter, what is your question?"

"Bouncing off of Zabini's question, is this to be a theory-only class?" He asked. "No practical?" The pink woman nodded.

"Yes, you are correct Mr. Potter. I see in your eyes you have another question, please ask it."

"Well, why aren't we doing practical things? We have to be prepared for the real world." She tutted.

"Prepared for what? There is nothing happening, and if any violence should happen, the ministry has a plethora of competent Aurors that you can call for help. Like I said to Mr. Zabini, you surely aren't going to be attached during my class." Harry looked the woman in her eyes, and she seemed to have a glint in them he was used to seeing. A ministry dog indeed.

"Why, to become an Auror of course. Or like me, I would love to be a world-renowned duelist. How am I able to practise and perfect spells? Practice is just etiquette for perfection." Umbridge nodded, a small but real smirk on her face. Harry had seen that look in his cousin's eyes a multitude of times, especially when it looked like Harry was going to give in to his weekly beatings. He noticed Ron and Hermione gave him a shared look, and when the pink woman turned around, he mouthed 'Common room'.

"Well, Mr. Potter, it seems you have a great idea for your future in mind. Have you duelled before?" Harry nodded.

"Of course, Professor. Me and Draco Malfoy have duelled, as well as me and Cho Chang and Cedric DIggory. May he rest in peace." The pink woman (she looked rather like a toad now that he thought about it) turned to face him, smiling sharply.

"Yes, what a misfortune. A horrible accident, that competition was." Harry nodded.

"Yes, what a horrible accident. I do hope I can match his skill level under your tutelage." The class was deathly quiet, and Neville bumped his knee against his own.

"I assure you, you all will. Now, please open your Ministry Approved Defense Guide and turn to page four." The class followed. A few minutes later, Neville tapped his hand and leaned over to whisper to him.

Of Badly Hidden Lies (and figuring out cool magic shit)Where stories live. Discover now