If there's no one to blame/blame it on me

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"Harry, there's a letter for you." Hermione pointed out one morning at breakfast.

"I know."

"Aren't you gonna take the letter? This owl is giving me the creeps." Ron chimed in. Neville wasn't at breakfast yet, but if he was, Harry knew his redheaded semi-friend would have been getting a large glare right about now. Neville was not one to hold a grudge, but the boy had made it clear that he wasn't good with Ron until Harry was. Harry was thankful for that.

"Nope, not taking the letter," Harry said, stuffing a small sausage link into his mouth, and chewing quietly.

"And, may I ask, why not?" Hermione questioned.

"It's from Dumbledore. No way in Merlin's bloody arse is I speaking to him."

"You can't deny a request from the Headmaster, Harry," Hermione spoke softly. Harry didn't want to be mad at his friend, especially when they were just starting to be good again, but something about the way she said it just pissed Harry off.

"Yes, I bloody well can." Harry took the letter out of the owl's mouth and pointed his wand at it. Quickly, the letter was burnt away. Before anyone could notice, Harry was up and out of the great hall.

"Oh, Harry, where are you going?" Harry heard on his way back to Gryffindor Tower. He turned his head and saw Neville, a surprised look on his face.

"Back to the tower. Just go eat, Nev, I'll talk to you later." Harry turned his head and made his way back up to their dormitory. Neville stared after him.


A small bang resounded in the great hall. No one paid much attention to it, as the crowded room was already filled with loud chattering children. The few people by Ron and Hermione heard it loud and clear, however.

"Alright, what did you say that pissed him off?" Neville asked, voice calm. His face was clearly annoyed though.

"Nothing, Neville. We just told him he needed to open the letter."

"What letter, Hermione? All I see is an owl at the table." A relatively creepy owl, Neville thought to himself.

"There was a letter from Dumbledore," Ron spoke up. "We told Harry to take it because the owl's bloody creepy, and he just lit the thing on fire. I thought it was fine." Ron shrugged.

"That's the problem Ron!" Hands slammed on the table. Hermione took a breath before sitting back down. "It's not okay for him to disrespect the headmaster like that, even if he's still mad." The bushy haired girl huffed in annoyance.

"Hermione, you sound right stupid." Neville sent Ron an odd look. "What? I'm right, aren't I? How can she expect Harry to forgive and forget at the drop of a hat? He's hurting, and us trying to push the person who hurt him most onto him is just gonna make it worse."

"That's very...mature, Ron, thank you." Neville said. He was, simply put, at a loss for words. Who would have thought Ron of all people would have said something so.. Hermione-like. The boy flushed.

"Well, I've just been thinking, I was an arse to Harry almost all of fourth year, add that on top of not writing him at all, and being a massive prick, I'm lucky he even cares to have me around." Ron took a deep breath. "He's my best mate, whether he likes it or not. I might as well try and see things from his point of view. Now, sir Neville. The food's gonna disappear soon." Ron dug into a sausage.

Neville took a seat next to Hermione. 'Probably Harry's seat,' Neville thought to himself. The girl was oddly quiet, and she looked a little angry. He wondered if it was something Ron had said, or simply from her own decisions. Oh well. Harry would know, and he'd find out through him. Having friends was quite wonderful.

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