Chapter 9

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Something was stirring in the castle, Albus realised. Not anything dark, but something big. He let out a sigh. Looking at his trinkets, he noted that the one he had monitoring Harry was spinning like crazy. He must be practising with Neville, Albus thought. A house elf had informed him of what the two boys were up to. The elf had seen Harry's full body illusion. Albus' heart filled with pride. Oh, if only Severus could see how similar he and his son really were. Harry was mastering a technique that Severus wasn't able to master until his seventh year!

Albus wanted Harry to be happy, for him to have a family. Yes, he had Sirius, but that wasn't the actual father Harry needed. It would do for now of course. Harry was happy, and away from the Dursleys. That's all that mattered.

Now, he just needed to have that meeting with Ms. Granger

Hermione was conflicted. Yes, she was happy for Harry and the fact he was making new friends, but she missed him. She hated to say it, she missed Ron too. She tried to convince herself that they were boys and they needed their space, but no one had spoken to her in class, or asked for her help on assignments, or even talked about sneaking out. Ron, Harry, and Neville of all people were thicker than thieves.

"I can't believe you actually talked me into this." She heard. It was Ron, his voice was always recognizable.

"Come on, Ron. You said you'd do it, now you have to." Harry said with a laugh.

"Do what?" Hermione asked. All three boys (Neville had followed the two boys through the portrait) froze slightly.

"Umbridge's duelling club." Hermione's face lit up.

"Oh why didn't you tell me! There's a lot to be done! I knew she couldn't be that bad of a teacher."

"Hermione," Neville started. "You aren't, well, what I mean is, you can't go. It's invite only." Hermione paused in pulling out her defence book.

"Why wouldn't I be invited?" She asked slowly. "I'm top of the class?"

"Well, actually, Harry is. And you aren't invited because you're a muggleborn." Harry cuffed Ron on the back of his head.

"Hermione, wait, sit down." Harry said. "That's not how Ron meant to phrase it."

"It sure seemed like it. Who would have thought Ronald could be involved in that."

"Oi! I'm not, would you sit down and let us explain?" Hermione turned a glare on the redheaded boy, expecting to see him flinch. That would show him how angry she was. Except, he didn't. He just rolled his eyes.

"Hermione, Umbridge only cares about status. We had to fight tooth and nail to get her to include a 'blood traitor' into the club. I was pulling lies out of my arse to get her to believe Ron wanted to be a part of the 'right sort'." Harry explained.

"So you'll fight tooth and nail for Ron but not for me? Fine." Hermione stomped up the stairs, leaving three very confused teenage boys below.

"Well, that could have gone better." Neville said, voice small.

"Not really the time, Nev." Ron remarked, tongue like sandpaper in his mouth. He hadn't wanted to upset Hermione, but what he said was true. It wasn't prejudice, just a fact of Umbridge's sad life.

"Isn't it better this way, though?" Neville asked. "If Umbridge actually thinks we don't get along then maybe she'll leave Hermione alone."

"That's the thing, mate, we aren't getting along."

"Come on Ron, it's just like us in fourth year. We didn't start talking again until after the first task."

"I guess that's true. I just don't understand why she's upset. It's not like we're blood purists or something stupid like that."

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