The Freljord

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You took a breath. How long have you been marching through these snowy planets? It felt like it's been weeks, but it's probably only been one or two. You missed Valoran City. It's warmth and sun would be a starsend right about now. But you were here for a reason. You needed to find this Guardian and soon. You wanted to go home. You wanted to see everyone again.

You stopped and looked around the frozen tundra. You wore your armor just in case something tried to attack you. It also kept you warm. You definitely didn't want to meet your end thanks to hyperthermia. That would be a pretty lame way to go in your line of work.

You haven't even seen a town or city this entire time. Then again this place did seem a bit isolated. Whoever could survive here had to be tough. You couldn't wait to meet this Guardian.

You then heard something. You leaned back as an arrow flew right past your face. You looked up on the ridge to see a man falling to his demise. You then heard a battle cry. A battle? Against who? There was no time to question it. You hurried over to the ridge and summoned two daggers. You quickly scaled the wall of ice to find a battlefield.

Two clans fought in mortal combat, neither gaining any footing against the other. You couldn't even tell who the aggressor was, if there was one. You rose to your feet and watched the battle before you felt it. The energy, the power of the First Star. You scanned the area before you noticed a large man fighting to protect a group of people.

His shield was large, his strength was mighty, and his courage was contagious. His star power was also incredible. Maybe the most powerful that you've ever felt.

While he battled against the intruding forces, a soldier tried to attack him from behind. Your eyes grew wide and your feet were moving before you could even think about what to do. You leaped into the air and delivered a powerful kick to the barbarian's face, knocking him down. The man noticed this and simply nodded your way.

He felt the energy inside of you as well. You were a friend, not a foe.

Y/N: If I accidentally hit one of your guys, I'm sorry.

???: No worries. You will know who to protect.

Who to protect. Those words alone told you all you needed to know.

Poe changed into two escrima sticks. You then charged into battle and quickly made your way through the battlefield. You slid under a swinging ax and hopped up to deliver a blow to another soldier's chest.

The snow crunched under your feet as you flipped over a sword from another attacker. You landed and kicked the man's feet out from under him. You slammed the stick into the man's face which knocked him out.

You stood up and found a woman fighting against the attackers. She was a battle worn warrior, that much was evident, but you also saw what she was fighting for. A child, just a baby, being held by an injured man. You looked back to the large man to see that the people he was protecting were just villagers. Regular people.

Were they refugees? These attackers drove them from their home.

Woman: Braum!

The large man looked to the woman to see more attackers approaching her and the man. Thinking quickly, he sent the others away and hurried to her side. He used his shield to send several of the barbarians flying over the ridge. You trapped one of the warrior's axes and snatched it away. You quickly turned it over and smacked the blunt end of it into their head.

Braum grabbed a hold of an attacker and knocked him out with a headbutt. You hurried over and slid to a stop to help them escape.

Y/N: Whatever plan you got, you better get to it.

Star Guardian: Twin Star (Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora