Who They Are

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Space was cold. In the vacuum of nothingness it was pretty obvious why this would be the case. But, still, the power of the Dark Star kept you from freezing over. The warmth that kept you going was the thought of finally reuniting with your friends after so long. The immortality of being a Dark Star Knight helped with the long absences, but you still yearned to be with them once again.

It had been almost a year. A year of being alone. Only with Jhin to keep you company, telling you of the impending doom. A fate that you would not be able to escape. The truth that you wished you could avoid.

Braum: You seemed lost in thought, my friend.

You looked up from the spot you sat to find the towering man smiling, as he seemed to always do. In the few weeks that you've known him, Braum has been nothing but kind. He shared his stories of times long before your birth about his time as a Star Guardian. He was once on a team, like you, but his Knight fell to the darkness and his team was slaughtered.

Now, only Braum remained.

You often wondered if you too would fall into his shoes. If one day everyone would be defeated and you would be left alone. Your heart had been broken two times before. You would not be able to handle a third.

Braum: You are too young to be so troubled.

You heard him sit beside you. The planet you had set up camp on was alive and what seemed like alien fireflies illuminated the area around you. The jungle sounds echoed in your ear so loudly that it hurt. Everything just seemed so loud.

Braum: You struggle with your role, yes?

You sighed.

Y/N: At times. It's a burden, but it's mine.

Braum: Funny how that works. Your one life in this existence, taken by forces far out of your control. Your duty put upon you when all you deserved was a peaceful life. To fall in love, to run around with friends, to experience life to it's fullest. But, instead, you are cursed to live among the stars. To face the darkness head on and watch as the ones you love perish.

Was this supposed to be comforting?

Braum looked to you and gently placed a hand on your shoulder.

Braum: Tell me, what was your life before the Dark Star?

Your life before? Sometimes it was hard to remember. Almost impossible. But there was one memory that you would always have in the back of your mind. Forever. You didn't know what happened, only that you watched a raging fire. The feeling of Sarah's hand in yours.

Y/N: I think....my parents died in a fire. I can't really remember. I can't even see their faces.

Braum nodded in understanding.

Braum: Time does that to us. We live a very long time. Braum can't recall his own family. I believe I had a brother, once, but his name escapes him. But Braum recall being a child. Playing in the snow.

He remembered a moment from his childhood? That would've been centuries ago. How was that even possible?

Braum: Braum believes that the First Star allowed him to keep this memory. A happier time his life.

Sarah's hand was small in yours. Almost like a doll. But it was the first time you could recall that you knew......you knew she would always be by your side. And that you loved her. It was a memory that lurked during your darkest moments.

Was that why you remembered it so vividly compared to everything else in your past?

Braum: You will be back with them soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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