Ilseob- A Plan

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(Ilhoon and Changseob)

Chanseobs POV

I'm listening to his rap, as he records his voice in the studio. Our new album is well underway and every member of BTOB is excited for its release in a few weeks. Currently, I'm writing a random rap as I wait for my turn to record. I'm designated as a vocalist for BTOB but I actually really love rapping as well, and I'd say I'm pretty good at it too. When Ilhoon, our designated rapper, is finished recording he comes out and sits on the couch next to me. I don't look up from writing my rap, but I say to him, "Good job." And give a thumbs up with the hand that isn't writing. He doesn't answer and I'm aware of him leaning over to read what I'm writing. He's silent for a few seconds as he reads it over and I find myself feeling slightly nervous. I put my pen down and slowly look up at Ilhoons face, expecting to recieve a frown and some criticism.

When I look though, I see a big smile and his eyes meet mine and he says evenly, "This is really good." I can tell by the intense look in his eyes that he's not just saying that, he actually means it. My nervousness is replaced completely by a warm fuzzy feeling of satisfaction. I can't help but grin at my friend, as he is still smiling at me.

Hyunsik comes into the room and laughs loudly. Ilhoon and I both turn in his direction, wondering what he's laughing at and we're surprised to see him pointing at us. In between laughs he says, "You guys look like a love struck couple!!! You're staring into each others eyes...."

He continues to laugh uncontrollably.

I shake my head in dismissal, but I grin slightly at the ridiculousness of Hyunsiks weird thoughts. I return my attention back to Ilhoon, prepared to make a joke about it, but I stop short when I notice the look on his face. It's brief, since he changed it when he noticed me looking, but it was definitely there....

I had expected him to be shaking his head and laughing, as I had been, but instead he had been looking down at his hands in his lap.... And there was a slight blush across his cheeks.

I'm not dumb, or dense. I can definitely tell that Hyunsik's words had struck something in Ilhoon.

And I think I might know what it was... Although I dont quite want to admit it.

As I'm pondering this, Ilhoon suddenly snatches the paper from my hands and stands up. He begins rapping the lyrics I had just written, and I find myself momentarily dismissing my previous thoughts.

I stand up as well and start rapping along with him. It turns into a rap duet and we time our lines perfectly, without even planning it out.

This is amazing....

After we finish the rap, we collapse back onto the couch, my arm around Ilhoons shoulders as we continue to beat box with swag.

My thoughts return to Ilhoons look from a few minutes ago...

I dont have much time to dwell on it though because soon it's my turn to go record.

After recording, we all head to the practice room to practice the dance for our new song. The choreography is tough, and requires a lot of attention and effort. We're all tired and sweaty at the end of practice, but we're happy that we finally got the dance perfected. We go through the routine once more and since my body now knows the moves on its own, I find my mind wandering and my gaze travels to Ilhoon in front of me.

I allow myself to ask the question.

Was that look before because he likes me? Is he attracted to me?

There. I thought it. Now I won't be satisfied until I find out the answer.

The choreography makes us switch places, so now Ilhoon is next to me on my right. I sneak a glance at him and find him looking at me as well. He looks embarrassed and quickly looks away.

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