Penjae- BtoB Members Are Weird

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Penjae (Peniel+Sungjae)

Sungjaes POV

Everyone is acting strange.... I'm innocently changing for bed, after a fun day, and everyone in the room seems.... Weird. At dinner, Eunkwang and Minhyuk seemed way too close. They've always had a bromance (which I admittedly am jealous of), but tonight they kind of seemed extra close. They didn't really seem to notice anyone other than each other and they touched a lot more than usual. And now they are whispering to each other, and they're still touching... Hmmmm.

I put a finger to my chin in a contemplation pose. I think they like each other. But it's not really my place to make that public knowledge. It feels weird to keep watching them so I turn my attention elsewhere. And that leads my gaze to Changseob. My eyes narrow suspiciously. He's not sleeping, I can tell. So why is he pretending. My eyebrows furrow in annoyance at this mystery. Then I decide that I'm too tired to think about these kinds of things so I make my way into my warm, welcoming bed. It's on my way there that I notice Ilhoon... He's acting strange too. He's usually pretty talkative and joking, but all day he's seemed kind of detached. And now he's just kind of staring off into space, smiling.

I sigh. BtoB members are weird...

I get into my bed and pull the covers up to my chin. I try to sleep, but my mind won't let me rest. Eunkwang and Minhyuk.... Changseob.... Ilhoon. What's going on with them all? The only ones who seem normal lately are Peniel and Hyunsik. I lay awake for a long time.

. . .

Just as I'm falling asleep I hear a noise. I groggily turn my head to the side to see what disturbed me. I see Minhyuk crouching by Eunkwang who is getting into his bed on the floor... Were they talking that whole time?? I don't know how much time has passed but I know it's been a lot more than an hour...

Minhyuk pulls Eunkwangs blankets up for him... Typical mommy of BtoB. I'm just about to turn my head away to try to fall sleep again, when I notice that Minhyuk isn't standing up to go to his bed yet. He's actually leaning in closer to Eunkwang...

What... Is going on?...

Eunkwang leans up a little to meet Minhyuk halfway... And then they are kissing. I stare wide eyed, silently freaking out at what I just witnessed. The kiss is brief. Minhyuk is walking to his bed now. I quickly close my eyes so that he won't notice that I saw.

They must have thought that everyone was asleep...

Oh my god.

I was right.

I can't believe I was right.

Oh my god. They like each other. Romantically.

They kissed.

I think back to a couple of nights ago. Minhyuk and Eunkwang didn't spend the night at the dorm. The next morning they told us that they had spent the night at Minhyuks apartment, and we didn't think that was weird because it happens all the time.

But now I'm beginning to wonder what they were doing. I know that Eunkwang had brought alcohol to try and cheer Minhyuk up because he was depressed... But what did that lead to???

My mind starts to imagine things... Possible scenarios...

Urrrg why?? I can't help it... Once I start thinking about that kind of thing, I find that I don't really find it weird. It makes sense that Minhyuk and Eunkwang would be together. And if Changseob and Ilhoon turn out to be together too, that doesn't seem really strange either.

I want to do that too... I'm jealous of them...


Wait, what?? I'm jealous?? I start to freak out again. Why am I jealous? Why do I want to be in a relationship with someone too?

.... And who do I want to be in one with?...

A name comes to mind.

I glance at his bunk. Maybe.....


No, no, no!

I abruptly cut off all thoughts on this uncomfortable subject and force myself to think about something else... Anything else...

I end up dreaming about unicorns all night.

BTOB Love Stories (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora