Minkwang- The First Incident Part 2

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(A.N- So this part comes directly after the first Minkwang chapter, but before the first Ilseob chapter... Sorry for the confusing order of chapters... I just went with my flow of ideas and it ended up like this.)

Eunkwangs POV

I wake up. I can't recall where I am or how I got there....

My head aches. And my memory is fuzzy. So I guess I was drinking last night? Ugh... Why do I do this to myself?

I groan as my senses return and I slowly wake up. I don't open my eyes yet... I know the light will hurt too much.

First I am aware that My limbs are stiff. I must have slept in the same position all night. I try to move my arm up to wipe the sleep from my groggy face, but it won't move. Is it too stiff or is something holding it down? I attempt to sit up... I can't move.

What the hell is going on??? Did I somehow paralyze myself last night???

My hangover makes it difficult to think clearly, let alone remember how I got myself into this state.

My anger wakes me up a little bit more and I'm now aware of something else.

I'm on a couch. And there is something next to me. And that something is warm and breathing.

Whaaaat???!!! I jolt upwards and this time I manage to break free of whatever was restricting me, and I sit up. My eyes open and I manage to ignore the blinding morning light that tries to stab at my pupils.

"Oh god..." I mumble. What the hell happened last night? I recognize the person beside me right away. I would recognize him anywhere, in any situation, so of course I know exactly who it is even with his face pressed down in the couch. I slowly survey the situation.

Minhyuk is with me on a couch, sleeping. Our legs are entwined.

His arms were around me and mine were around him.

We were drunk last night

Oh no.....

Oh no!

Memories suddenly begin to flood back into me. I remember everything.

How could I be so dumb??? Of course I had always wanted to do that with Minhyuk, but I always knew that no matter what, I shouldn't do it. If people find out, things will get bad.

I don't want to wake him up. I don't want to face him after what we did. It will be too awkward....

Or will it? We were drunk, but we both were willing. Will he even remember when he wakes up? I recall that he drank a lot... And the fact that he gets drunk easily anyway probably didn't help the situation.

For now, I won't wake him up. I just lay back down beside my crush and try to remember fully what occurred last night.

We kissed. A lot. And we both liked it. A lot.

And neither of us have shirts on.

I find myself smiling uncontrollably and I put my arms back around Minhyuk, and bury my face against his bare shoulder, as I wait for him to wake up.

I don't know how long it took, but when he starts to stir I remove myself from my comfortable position and sit coss legged on the other side of the couch. I sit facing him so that I can see his reaction when he fully wakes up.

He groans and his hands go up to rub his temples. He must have a worse headache than I do. Then his eyes slowly open into tiny slits and he notices me sitting there.

"Eunkwang... Why do I feel like poo...?" He asks groggily as he rubs his eyes.

"Well.... We were drunk." I choose my words carefully. I dont want to say anything about what I remembered, just in case he won't remember as well.

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