Minkwang- Minhyuk Oppa Plans a Date

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Minhyuks POV

I'm awake first thing in the morning, before any of the other members. I sit up sleepily and rub my eyes in an attempt to wake up fully. I had a good dream last night. It involved my new boyfriend. ;) A smile forms on my face at the memory of it, and I glance down at Eunkwangs sleeping form on his floor bed. He's so cute when he's sleeping! I let myself admire him from afar for a few moments until I start to get jealous of the pillow he's hugging. Slowly and silently, I climb out of my bed, and into his so I can cuddle up to him.

All of the other BtoB members are in a deep sleep, so I can risk doing this without anybody seeing.

It's been a few days since Eunkwang and I started dating, but we decided not to tell the others yet. We don't know how they will react and we don't want them to start acting differently around us...

So, for now we're a secret couple, and we have to try our best to act like we don't always want to be in each others arms.

It's difficult! I shouldn't have to control myself so much!

But even though we can't show our affection in front of the others, we still have our moments when we can be alone. And it's especially lucky that I have my own apartment that only I have a key to! Ehehehehehe.

After a few minutes of just laying next to him, listening to his even breathing, I attempt to wake him up.

"Eunkwangie.... Wake up." I whisper in his ear, and he moans sleepily in response, and cuddles closer to me. Awee, he's even cuddly when he's asleep!

"Eunkwangie..." I pause, not quite sure what I was planning on saying.

And then something comes to mind.

".... I love you..." My voice is barely a whisper, so I could barely even hear myself, but Eunkwang mumbles something in response. My breath catches in my throat... Is it possible that he heard me?? I lean closer and rest my forehead on his.

"Hmmm? What did you say?" It feels a little bit strange talking to a sleeping person as if they're awake...

"Mmmm.... Minhyukie?" He responds again, in his weird mumbly sleep language.

"Yes? Did you hear what I told you?" My heart is beating rapidly in anticipation. I want him to have heard... But at the same time I'm nervous. Sure, we've admitted that we like each other, but that's it. Nothing more.

I love him... I didn't know if I did at first, but now I realize that I really really love Eunkwang.

I'm just not sure if he loves me back. And I don't want to find out if he doesn't.

Well, I guess I just did kind of tell him. In a way...

"Minhyuk.... Oppa~~" Eunkwang mumbles and a sleepy grin appears on his face.

What the hell kind of dream is he having???? Why did he call me oppa???

I'm a little bit creeped out.... But then I just find him cute so I kiss his cheek randomly.

"Oppa wants you to wake up." I whisper right next to his ear. He stirs slightly, but doesn't open his eyes. I sigh, he's cute but he's really not making this easy.

I need to find a way to wake him up without waking up everyone else as well. Hmmm what shall I do?

Well.... Kisses usually solve any problem. So I'll do that...

This might feel a bit awkward. But. I really want to do it.

For some strange reason...

I stare at him for another moment. And then I kiss Eunkwang full on the lips.

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