Chapter 2

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POV changes in this one. BTW, my friend is desperate to know what you think, so please leave comments!

Lily POV
I was very confused. What was the big deal about Fruitmore high? I knew it was snooty, but I didn't see a problem. Remus hesitated, and then spoke in a quiet voice, 'Lily, there's something you should know...' before trailing off. I followed his head to the door, to see James walk in with the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

She had long blonde hair, sparkling teeth, the kind of face men die for, killer legs, and the biggest beasts I had ever seen. And there was James, with his arm around her. They were laughing about something or other. I snapped my fork.

Remus POV
Jessica Banes. Gorgeous. Fruitmore High girl.

And James's ex.

What was he doing? Walking arm in arm with her? He finally had Lily, the girl of his dreams, and now one of my best friends, and he was hanging out with Jessica Banes?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a sound, lily had snapped her fork.

Uh oh.

James and Jess came over to the table. James turned to Sirius, 'oy. padfoot, mind switching?'.

We have an arrangement, see. Peter and Sirius sit opposite me, James and Lily. With a spare seat for if Padfoot has a girl. So to make Sirius come across the table, and sandwich Lily between us, was unheard of. But he did. And James sat down, not next to Lily, without a care in the world. Lily fumbled out something about having to go to Potions, and I left with her, neither of us saying a word.

Things were about to get a whole lot worse.

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