Chapter 5

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Lily POV
I ran out of the hall, I could hear Sirius and Remus calling to me, but I ignored them and kept going.

I had just about run in circles for half an hour when I heard voices. Was that, Jessica? I hid behind a suit of armour, in time to see her and James hed down the hallway, him running his hands through his hair repetitively. I heard his voice, 'beautiful... I love...' Jessica cut him off, by slamming him against the wall and snogging him. He didn't resist. However he didn't kiss her back. She was probably so good she pulled him into a state of shock. How could he do this to me? She broke the kiss and spoke, 'We should be together, not you and the pale stick...' I'd heard enough, and I crawled along the floor, running to the gardens, and bursting into tears.

Sirius POV
I saw the kiss, and I saw lily leave. I told Remus to go after her. I on the other hand, interrupted them

So, what did you think? What's happening with James? Has Lily missed something? Is this the end for our favourite couple? Find out when I next publish, and leave comments please!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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