Chapter 3

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Lily POV
At dinner we sat in our new seating arrangement. Peter and Remus talking about something or other unimportant. And Jessica and James reminiscing, it didn't take me long to work out that they had once dated. I was listening to a story she was telling about a ball they went to, when James cut in, 'I remember thinking that night, that you are the hottest women I had ever seen.' My blood boiled at hearing him say that. I stood up quickly and called to Remus over my shoulder, claiming we had to start rounds early.

I kept a quick pace, so there was no time for talking. It was about 10:00 when we went to head up to the Gryffindor common room, when I heard a sound. Making eyecontact with Remus, I followed the sound to see 3 6 year Slytherins. 'What are you doing our last curfew? Head back to your dorms'. They ignored me, I repeated myself, louder this time. The biggest one sneered, got right up in my face, and spat, 'no filthy mud blood tells me what to do'. I don't know what happened next but I hit the ground, hard. Next thing I saw was Remus in a heated duel with them, I got up to help, despite the pain in my shoulder. I ended up taking the one who had pushed me, and Remus took the other two. The big one jeered me on, 'Potter doesn't love you. You were a play thing, you're done now Jessica is here. A pure blood can do so much better than you. A flat chested, dull faced, nobody.' Tears welled in my eyes, knowing he was right, but I won the duel. We soon had them all on the floor, tied up with rope. McGonogal choose that minute to round the corner. She promised to take care of them. Remus hugged me, and I yelped our in pain. His eyes were full of concern, but before he could say anything, I pushed him off, and limped back to my dorm.

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