Chapter 4

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Remus POV
I was really worried about Lily. She was hurt, badly. She doesn't know it, but I heard what the Slytherin said to her. She had to know it wasn't true. James is such an idiot!

Lily POV
That morning at Breakfast, it took everything in me not to rip James's head off. Then Sirius sat down next to me. He was so squished up to me, which is normally great with James, but it put so much pressure on my arm.

James POV
I saw her wince. Was she in pain? A cramp maybe? I looked up into her emerald eyes, and noticed a flicker of something, was it sadness? Jessica was still blathering on, but my attention was all on Lils. 'Lily, are you alright?'

My voice shocked her, and she jumped. She quickly looked down and murmured, 'fine'. Sirius shifted and she winced again. It must be her shoulder. 'You are not fine Lily, you are in pain, now, what is wrong?'. Remus looked up when he heard my more aggressive tone. Lily's eyes seemed to burn. I couldn't place with what.

The corner of her mouth twitched, but I don't think it was because she wanted to smile, 'I'm perfectly fine thank you.' Her clipped tone revealed otherwise. So I did the only thing I could think of. I stood up, marched around the table, pulled off her robe, and forced up her sleeve. Her arm was so bruised, it looked like she's been in a fight. My heart shattered, she'd been hurt, and she wouldn't tell me. My tone became quiet, I hoped it conveyed how sorry I was, 'Lily, oh...' she grabbed her robe and flew up, 'just leave me the fuck alone Potter', she screamed, before storming off. Remus and Sirius following, turning to glare at me as they went.

I just couldn't believe what had happened.

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