A new world

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Mario is ejected from the pipe, lands on a giant mushroom and tumbles to the grass-covered ground.]

MARIO and Delilah: (shouts, groans)

[Mario gets up after helping his sister and looks in amazement.]

MARIO: (gasps softly)

[Mario stares in awe at the Mushroom Forest. He then approaches a blue mushroom, only for Toad to suddenly pop up, causing Mario to scream and stumble back.]


Delilah: Hey! Back off.

Delilah ready to protect her brother.

Toad: Oh! I'm sorry. (chuckles) That one's perfectly fine. You can put those fists away.

[Toad pats the blue mushroom. Mario backs away along the ground.]

MARIO: Ah, it's a little mushroom...man. A little mushroom man, talking to me, Delilah.

Delilah: I fan see it too.

TOAD: Pleased to meet ya! I'm Toad! (walks off)

MARIO: Uhh... Mario. ( gets up and follows Toad.) So this is, uh... This is, this is not a dream?

[Toad whacks Mario and Delilah's arm with his walking stick, causing them to exclaim in pain]

TOAD: That hurt, right?

MARIO and Delilah: YES!

TOAD: Definitely not a dream.

MARIO: Then, it's... This place is...

TOAD: The Mushroom Kingdom!

MARIO: Mushrooms... really? Now that is a cruel twist of fate. (Suddenly, he hears something. He turns around and spots a Bramball stooping over his head.) ...Hello. (The Bramball continues walking.) Yeah, I'm actually looking for somebody — my brother, in fact. He looks exactly like me, but tall, and skinny, and green. See, last time I saw him, he was falling through a pipe. It was foggy and I believe there was lava...

TOAD: (gasps) Uh, that... is not good. Umm... Your brother has landed in the Dark Lands. They're under... (whispers) Bowser's... (normal) control.

MARIO: Bowser?

TOAD: He's the most evil, wretched creature alive.

Delilah: huh. Well thats... um very interesting.

[Toad sticks his walking stick into a mushroom and pulls himself and the duo up.]

TOAD: I'm taking you to see the princess. She can help you! She can do anything!

MARIO: Princess? (gasps)

[In the distance, Mario and Delilah sees a magnificent white and red castle surrounded by a large town.]

TOAD: Come on, Mario! Our big adventure begins now!

MARIO: Hang on, Luigi.

Mario, Delilah and Toad jump across mushrooms toward the castle.

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