Koda pt. 1

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"I'm tired as fuck."

Estella slumped over her bed, on the phone with her friend.

"Then you should probably rest."

The mans voice said emphasizing common sense at the other end.

"Ugh, you're a brick to talk to and a prick."

"How so?"


"I'm coming over."

"To what? Disturb me with your existence?"


"I'm just joking man."

"I've something to do."

"If this is your homework again I'm not-"

Her friend hangs up the phone before she could finish as an irritated expression plastered her face. She clicks her tongue pressing a pillow over her face letting the frustration go.

Minutes later there was a knock on her window.

"Oh what the hell... Why couldn't you just knock on the front door?"

"I wanted to feel sneaky..."

"You're weird."

She lets him inside noticing a bag he carried and how covered he is with his attire.

"Don't tell me you're planning on murdering me?"

"What? No."

"Why the outfit then?"


"You're freaking me out man."

"I'll take it off then"

He puts down his bag grabbing the hem of his hoodie.

"Wow, that's the first thing you're gonna say? Why'd you wanna come over anyway."

"I told you I'm gonna show you something."

"Better not a mutilated body part."


Estella raises an eyebrow liking the frustrated look on his face.

She paid him no mind and sat on her bedroom floor as she grabs her controller. There was shuffling and sound of his bag unzipping.

"I've something to ask."

"What is it?"

The woman remained her attention on her screen pushing buttons.

"Why me?"

"What do you mean why you?"

"Why'd you let me be your friend? Why'd you only talk to me and not our other classmates."

"Why are you asking it like that? I found you the most decent one to keep company out of all of them."

"That all?"

She sighs, not liking the slightest bit of how her heart is beating because of the tension.

"Where is all of this coming from."

The question didn't sound like a question, she didn't want to know the answer but it just had to be said.

"You already know it, I'm sure..."

"It has to come out of your own mouth."

She lets out a frustrated sigh as her win streak's broken.

"...sorry, I'm trying hard to say it..."

There was silence, as she just kept playing like nothing's happening. What was she suppose to do? She could go and make him leave but... A part of her might say something else.

She doesn't like situations like this knowing she's not good with pressure and will talk out of her emotions.

Even so there's a part of her that wanted him.

Koda steps closer, his presence engulfing her senses.

There was a slight tremble with her hands as her heartbeat was uncontrollable. He stood Infront of her not expecting her to have closed her eyes.

He bent down on his knees seductively touching her hand. Delicate touch yet so vividly felt.

She slowly opened her eyes looking straight to his own. A quick shivering breath left her body as she looks at what's Infront of her.

"Are you coming out?"

She tried joking but his stare was serious. He moves, sitting on her lap as another breath leaves her gasping for more air.

"I like how you're struggling to breathe... It's so unlike you."

Koda knew what he was doing and was well aware that she'd be a mess. That's what he wanted, he wanted to see her life messy for once.

The well put together Estella crumbling for him.

In return she gritted her teeth, jaw clenched. She positions her legs to make him slide to her stomach. Koda was surprised as he did, having to lean his forearms on her shoulders.

They were inches from kissing.

He looked at her eyes before leaning forward.

Estella moves her hands back to support her upper body making him wobble again.

He was embarrassed at this point tried to hide his face on her chest.

"...do... I look pretty?"

He asked timidly.

"You do."

Estella playful trust up her hip once, lifting Koda up as he blushes. He couldn't help but scan over her body... How muscular it was. He loved how he felt small compared to her. It only added his desire for her.


Hi everyone sorry again, Uhm... Not active.

I did say I might not continue the book but Huzzah! Here it is a part one lol  :P

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