★chapter 9★

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chapter 9


smoking addiction, kinda sexual mentions anything else that i forgot to mention (i hardly ever change this)


louis/man-whore - scarlett/darling






youre niece is a menace


do not insult my niece partridge


darling theres milk shit in my hair


well, we wouldn't want ur hair to be ruined would we?


stop taking the piss and for bollocks sake get over here


bollocks sake of course

Scarlett pushed her key into the lock, her arms full of taco bell bags. Before she could even twist the key, the door swung open.

There stood Louis Partridge, milk powder in his hair and a little on his chin, and if that sight couldn't make her laugh the distressed look on his sure as hell did. Louis scoffed as Scarlett burst into laughter and simply gripped her by the arm to pull into the apartment. 

Scarlett looked around at the disaster surrounding her. "Aurora Andromeda Chalamet!" Yes, Scarlett is very aware how goofy Sunny's full name is. Aurora means light or sun and Timmy wanted something to do with his fancast in the Harry Potter series, but Lily would've killed him if he gave their daughter 'Regulus' as a middle name, so they settled for Andromeda. 

Sunny turned around immediately and Scarlett almost softened. Almost. "Did you make this mess?" Scarlett gestured to the little spill of milk powder as well as the millions of toys scattered around. 

"That might've been me?" Louis pitched in nervously before getting a glare from Scarlett. "Well you see I-" he started but got shushed just as quickly. 

"Let's go get changed into jammies! Alright Sunny!" the toddler only giggled in response stumbling to grab onto her aunt's hand who helped her to the nursery. "And you clean this up." she spoke to Louis.

Louis did as she asked immediately and once, she returned with a cleaned-up Sunny dressed in her little pjs with crescent moons printed onto it the kitchen and living area was all clean and Louis was wiping down one of the counters. "Lou!" Sunny exclaimed from Scarlett's arms pushing on them to escape from her aunt's grip.

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