14| Riley

54 3 13

"Here you go darling" Darren said as he placed another drink in front of me at a café down the road from The Lost and Found. 
It's been an entire month and there is no news, the police are convinced she is with Scott but they can't locate him. We've tried explaining that Scott wasn't the one who took her so if she is with him, he isn't working alone
This month has been hell, I've tried pushing James away, he's tried pushing me away. We're both struggling but today was the first day in a while that he had to go to work so Deborah and Darren decided to pull me out of the house

I couldn't be more thankful for James' family right now. No matter how much I try to hide away at least one of them is trying to pull me out of the deep end 

"Thank you" I said softly as he took a seat opposite me 
I remember that the last time I was here was to meet up with James and Mollie, he had taken her to Lost and Found for the day while I helped Michelle with something. That seems like a life time ago but in reality it was only a couple months ago

"How are you doing sweetheart?" Darren asked but I shrugged
"It seems to be a never ending dead end" I said making him nod
"Have they given you anything at all?" He questioned but I shook my head instantly
"Nothing at all, they can't find Scott anywhere. Part of me wants to say that they have probably barely looked and if I had the chance I could find her myself" I muttered to myself swirling the spoon around my mug

"So why don't we?" He asked but I frowned looking at him confused
"What do you mean?" I said
"I mean Riley, why don't you compile a list of all the places you think he could be then we'll all split off and look at them? If you're right, we could easily bring her home then handle the law side of it later?" He offered
"You would do that?" I asked earning a soft smile
"You and Mollie are family Riley, of course we would do that" He said placing a hand on top of mine 


I stood in the living room looking around, we have left all of her stuff dotted around. I didn't want to touch it and I'm sure James felt the exact same
As I approached the mantle piece I couldn't help but notice some of the photos that we change out regularly
One thing I love about the last few months is that we've documented everything 
If it's not James and I taking photo's it'll be someone else in the family doing it 

 I didn't want to touch it and I'm sure James felt the exact sameAs I approached the mantle piece I couldn't help but notice some of the photos that we change out regularlyOne thing I love about the last few months is that we've documented everyth...

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Piper had just moved in with Finn in this photo. The boys had spent all morning moving all the boxes and furniture in whilst the girls went to the store for final touches 
Mollie was not happy with the fact she had been separated from James for longer then a minute

I hope you are giving hell to who ever has you baby girl...

"Hey" A voice said making me jump, I turned to see James leant against the arch into the living room, I hadn't even heard him come into the flat let alone walk completely over to me
"What are you doing?" He asked wrapping his arms around me placing his head on my shoulder looking at what I was looking at 
"I remember that picture, you forced me spend the day with Finn" He grumbled making me roll my eyes at him 

"I've been thinking" James said making me turn to look at him 
"That's always a dangerous thing" I snipped making him roll his eyes this time
"When we get bug back, I don't want to be apart from you guys ever" He answered making me look at him confused

"Did you plan on going somewhere?" I asked 
"no but, I uh-" He said scratching the back of his neck
"What's going on James?" I asked pulling out of his arms to turn and completely look at him

"I was thinking, what if I give up my flat and just move in here? I've practically been living here anyway just going home to change" He said 

"Ooo I don't know about that James, it's a big move and I don't think that I'm ready for it" I said making him bow his head 

"Hey" I said making him look at me again, his big brown eyes looking a little defeated before a smile creeped on to my face mirroring to his once he caught on
"you are an idiot James" I chuckled stepping towards him wrapping my arms around his neck
"Of course you can move in here, I'm sure Mollie would love having you at her beck and call" I winked earning a chuckle
"Is that all I am to you Riles?" James asked but I shrugged
"Hey a girls gotta take what a girl can get you know?" I quipped before James took to attacked my side with multiple pokes causing me to irrupt in a mountain of laughter 

The only thing that would make this more perfect would be having our girl back with us...

"She'll be back soon Riley, I promise" James said softly almost like he was reading my mind
"I hope so" I whispered looking back over at the same photo

Getting OutHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin