The Introduction

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Warning before you start: those who have not finished the series and/or the movies might be confused, or even worse, get spoilers. 

Location: Decepticon Warship, Nemesis

The Nemesis steered through a starless night sky, its dark, shiny exterior reflecting off the creamy moon. It was peaceful; The Decepticons had just come back from a successful energon mining, and the Autobots were not in their way at that time.

Megatron sighed and held his servos behind his back, walking around like a military officer and eyeing every move. The air was still. Starscream had abandoned them long ago, and truth be told, the former gladiator was quite glad that he had gone and left with that screechy voice of his.

Knockout was nowhere to be found. Probably tinkering in the Medical Bay, no doubt buffing himself and ridding his body of any scratches. Megatron knitted his optic ridges. The doctor had cost them much due to his vain, but he was still useful, and Megatron kept him around.

Soundwave. Where was Soundwave?

The Nemesis shuddered and Megatron had to stifle a yelp as he was thrown to the side.

Megatron: *glaring at the floor* What in the pits of Kaon?

Growling, the Decepticon Leader stormed to the control centre. 

Megatron: Soundwave! What happened?

The Nemesis' Third In Command looked up from his spot at the side of the room but said nothing.

Megatron opened his mouth to spout out something else, but the warship evaporated, along with its inhabitants.


Location: Autobot Base

Ratchet: What in the name of Primus...

Smokescreen: What? What is it?

Ratchet: The Nemesis' signal just... Just disappeared!

Miko gasped and made a gesture with her hands.

Miko: It just 'poof!' disappeared?

And they too, just 'poof' disappeared.

Location: Unknown

If any sane being saw what was happening, they would've dropped dead to the ground. But writers, however, are not sane at all, and thus the writer merely stared as hundreds of gigantic figures fell from the sky like rain.

Because of Plot Armour, the writer was not squashed by any of the bigger beings, and the three tiny ones did not sustain any broken parts for some magical reason. The big ones, however, were not as lucky.

A light smile stained the writer's lips as she watched the sky fallers groan and struggle to get up. The first one to get a hold of his surroundings was the big silver one with shark teeth and an inverted cone head.

Megatron: *groaning* What the... *furious* Starscream! Is this your doing?

Shockwave: Lord Megatron. Starscream is not... *struggles to find the right word* with us anymore.

Megatron: Oh. *angry again* Then who is responsible for this, this...

Sharky's voice trailed off as he started to be aware of what was around him. The Decepticons lay sprawled on the ground, and Knockout was, well, knocked out. Soundwave was once again not to be found. Sharky gave out a cry when he saw the Autobots in front of him. The blue and pink femme, who was now fully conscious gaped at him in shock.

Megatron: Autobots! What have you done?

Arcee: Megatron! *glaring* Where did you bring us? 

Megatron: Me? I could say the same thing to you!

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