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"What the fuck do you want?" I wasn't being rude, I was just too tired to be polite.

"I want to make a deal with you."

"Listen man, I am too depressed to listen to whatever shit you've got for..." I began saying, my voice trailing off as I realized something.

"How'd you get my number?" I asked in confusion, sitting up on my bed.

"I have my ways." He smugly said, not giving me a chance to even reply. "Now, are you going to hear me out or not?" He asked impatiently.

Even through the phone, I could just see him smirking and being all smug.

"Shouldn't you be off crying somewhere?" I taunted him.

"I know you did." He retaliated before heaving a deep sigh. "If you're not going to listen, then I'll just hang up."

"Wait, wait okay! I'll listen to you." I said, mocking the last part.


"But what I want to say to you is something I don't want to do over the phone."

"Then why did you call me? You could've talked to me at school." I was getting annoyed now, mainly because he kept stalling whatever it was he had to say to me.

"Hold on, don't tell me...you're in love with me."I teased as he laughed over the phone.

"You wish. It's actually about Emmett Clarke."

"You're gay." I stated.

"For fuck's sake, let me speak."

"Okay, geez no need to be so aggressive."

"Clearly, we need to expose him." He said.

"How?" I asked, trying to suppress a yawn and looking over my shoulder to read my clock.


It's only been a minute and yet the convo we were having felt like an hour.

"I haven't exactly figured that out yet but we can talk about it at school, if you're up for it?"

"Yeah, fuck it."

And that's how our first ever phone call ended, an agreement to meet each other at school to plan Emmett's inevitable ruin.

Emmet Clarke.

He's turning 18 next week and has been bragging about throwing the biggest party of the year, he's in the football team and admittedly a good player.

But his grades are just straight up bad.

I cannot tell you how many times he's been threatened to be kicked off the team if his grades didn't improve.

But being in the football team must be equal to popularity because he managed to get a bunch of people to do his schoolwork for him and when it comes to test, he just sneaks in the answers.

He's even made an offer to me once.

He told me that if I did his homework for him then he'll agree to go on a date with me.

And just to not be rude I told him I'd think about it.

To this day, he is still waiting for my answer. But I guess he found someone else considering he's currently at the top.

And that's enough to have put him on my radar.

"Pizza's here!" My mom called out, knocking softly on my door.

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