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2 days later

"Maybe I shouldn't go..." I said as I turned away from the mirror and looked at Elodie who was putting on lipstick.

"And who's fault is that?" Elodie remarked, putting her lipstick on the table and snatching the eyeshadow. "You're the one who agreed to go to the party with him."

I swear I regreted my decision to go with that punk. "I shouldn't have agreed to go with him," I said, sighing regretfully. As I gazed out of the window, the raindrops tricked down the glass, mirroring the steady steam of doubts that had began to fill my mind.

"And how are we supposed to go to the party when it's raining?" I pointed out.

"That guy should've checked the weather next time when inviting someone to his party," Elodie commented. Elodie's comment snapped me back to the present. She had been the voice of reason, cautioning against this ill-conceived adventure from the start.

"Yeah, you're right." I admitted, my tone heavy with remorse.

"You have an umbrella, right?" Elodie asked.

"Nope. Which means we're not going! Yay me!" I exclaimed in joy, the universe was finally on my side for once.

Suddenly I heard Elodie's phone ringing, she answered quickly and I thought it was her mom.

After a minute later, Elodie hung up and turned to me,"Looks like your plan isn't working, Vines." She said which made me confused. As I turned to look at her saying.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"You have no idea, don't you?" Elodie said.

"Well damn woman, I don't read minds." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes in slight annoyance.

"Look at the window." Elodie said, more like in commanding tone.

I hastily walked towards my window and looked down. There, I saw black fancy car with Chester's head poking out the car window in the driver's side. "You called him?" I asked in disbelief, turning to Elodie.

"No, he called me." Elodie answered, correcting me.

"Why?"  I was getting utterly annoyed, Chester didn't have to meddle with my personal life.

"I have no idea. But for now, I'm going to the love of my life." Elodie responded, walking out of my bedroom. Leaving me speechless and now I'm going to deal with this guy by myself. What an amazing life I have.

I took one last look in the mirror before heading downstairs myself, Chester's head was still poking out of the car window and in the passenger seat sat a beautiful girl with fiery orange hair and sky gray eyes. I saw them talking to each other. Elodie was already inside chatting with the 'love of her life'  Mark, who seemed uninterested in her.

I inhaled a deep breath and walked towards the car and got inside, sitting just next to Elodie. Chester had finally noticed me and introduced me to the pretty girl who was sitting beside him.

"This is Mia."  He said plainly, gesturing to the ginger in his passenger seat.

Mia smiled sweetly but there was something off about her behaviour. She seemed to be faking her 'sweet' persona.

"Nice to meet you, Vinessa." Mia said.

"Nice to meet you too." I replied, smiling sweetly as well but unlike her I actually meant it.

The car ride to the party was not exactly quiet. Elodie kept chatting with Mark who kept ignoring her, Chester and Mia held hands the entire car ride and here I am, lonely and bored.

"So... Do you wanna go out sometime?" Elodie asked as I quickly turned my head to them, giving Mark a menacing glare that said 'Don't break her heart or else'.

"Uh...I'm not so sure." Mark responded after he looked at me, fear was evident in his eyes.

Elodie seemed a little confused, tilting her head slightly, "It'll be fun." She reasoned.

"I-okay..." He finally agreed and sighed deeply as Elodie clapped a little and gave him a quick hug from the excitement.

Then suddenly I heard Mia speak, "Are we there yet?" She whinned.

"Almost there, sweetheart." He replied, making me want to puke. Since when did Chester call anyone sweetheart? He usually either called them by their last or first name, no endearments.

"Alright, Sweetie pie" Mia said, half joking.

Then I heard Elodie said, "Let's hangout after school tomorrow, daddy~" She said.

Oh my goodness... Can someone save me?

I had the sudden urge to jump out the car and get hit by upcoming cars.

After minutes of driving. We're finally arrived at our destination.

"We're here." Chester finally said.

"About fucking time..." I grumbled, quickly getting out of the car. The house in front of us had bright multi colored lights and loud party music.

The house was a big mansion like all the kids in my school which always made me jealous. I could never relate.

The night was very dark and the lights countered it and for the first time, I could finally see what my dress looked like under the moonlight.

My dress was a vibrant shade of orange. It's a knee-length, A-line dress with a cinched waist that flares out slightly, giving it a flattering and elegant silhouette. The dress features a delicate lace overlay with intricate floral patterns, adding a touch of sophistication to my look. I pair it with a matching orange silk sash tied in a bow around my waist, and my outfit is completed with a pair of nude heels and a dainty gold necklace.

My dress was cheap but it looked good on me and that was enough for me to walk inside the party with a confident stride.

The party was a lavish scene. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow. Guests chatted and danced on the marble floor. A DJ plays in one corner. Tables gleam with fine china and fresh flower centerpieces. Waitstaff offer gourmet snacks and champagne. Everyone is drinking and playing party games.

Elodie had dragged Mark off somewhere and Mia went to her friends, I stood still and observed the scene while Chester greeted some of his friends.

I kept looking and observing everyone in the party and spotted Emmett who was chatting with a girl as he took a sip of fine wine.

All of the sudden, someone's hand snaked around my waist and when I turned it was Chester.

"What are you doing?" I said, my arms crossed, refusing to make any more physical contact them he had already initiated.

"Let's go wish the birthday boy a happy birthday, shall we?" He smirked, whispering in my ear as his eyes pointed out where Emmett was.

"Wish us luck," I said as we walked towards to Emmett. He was busy talking to the girl next to him until he finally noticed us when Chester began to speak.

"Happy birthday Emmett." He greeted with a smile form on his face. Emmett gazed at him and give him a smile.

"Thank you, Chester." Emmett replied. "I assume you're enjoying yourselves?"

"What can I say? It's always fun." Chester commented. Emmett laughed at his comment. I rolled my eyes.

"Please, you can stay here as long as you want so make yourself at home." Emmett said, offering us a drink from the bar.

Chester downed his whiskey fast but I did not touch mine at all.

"Don't tell me you don't drink." Chester said, annoyed at me.

"We're underage, Mr. Barnes." I said mockingly.

"You're no fun." Chester remarked. I chuckled.

"Whatever you say, Rich boy." I replied, I drank my glass of whiskey in one go before smirking up at him.

He smirked, seeming impressed with the stunt I had just pulled, "I have a feeling tonight will be very fun."

Funny, so did I.

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