chapter ii - snatched

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tuesday, september 2nd - 6:30am

as my alarm rang on my phone (again, phones are not really allowed at hogwarts, but i've managed to evade suspicion for years now!), i turned it off, sat up and stretched. my hair was a complete mess - as it often was in the morning - and i was sporting somewhat of a bird's nest. when my eyes finally decided to open, they scanned the dormitory around me. being in seventh year, we naturally could be in one with whoever we wanted, regardless of house. although, given recent events and dumbledore's firm resolve that voldemort's return posed a threat to the school, all seventh years were assigned to a dorm with younger students in. so, i was in a dorm with hermione, ginny and luna this year.

somehow, i always woke up earlier than the three of them, despite ginny having quidditch practice at ridiculous o'clock in the morning three times a week. i liked to be down for breakfast as soon as it began at 6:45.

i quickly grabbed my skincare bag and hairbrush from my bedside table and got out of bed, not missing my slippers i stood up. i made my way into the ensuite, and brushed my messy hair in the mirror. i wondered how i wanted to do my hair, and decided on a half up, half down do with a claw clip. i washed my face with some tea-tree serum I made in potions class last year, and put on some moisturiser.
i went back into the room and grabbed my robes from the wardrobe, and put them on in the bathroom. i then came back, put on my doc martens, and grabbed my phone.

i quietly crept out of the dorm and closed the door shut behind me. off to breakfast! i loved mornings in the castle; walking around empty corridors, knowing outside is foggy and the weather crisp. i was never much a fan of summer, and knowing autumn had just begun definitely lifted my mood!

admittedly, i was on my phone while walking, texting george to come and meet me in the hall. he was another early riser, unlike fred, who you'd be lucky to see before 9am. i was so engrossed, i wasn't looking where i was going. when i turned a corner onto the corridor the great hall was on, i bumped into someone. i immediately looked up and let out a small gasp.

"professor snape, i-"

"need to watch where i'm going." his tone was cold, almost robotic.

"yes, sir. i couldn't agree more. i am so sorry."

"very well." said an emotionless snape, as he walked in the opposite direction to me.

that's funny, i think. breakfast has only just started. there's no way he's managed to eat it already. nonetheless, i make my way into the great hall and sit mid-way along the gryffindor table, as usual.

like clockwork, two rounds of jam on toast appears on the plate in front of me. it is my go-to! i start wolfing them until i notice my phone starts ringing. george. i answer.

"what's wrong?"

"it's harry. he's gone!"

"WHAT?!" i stand up and pull out my wand. "WHERE ARE YOU?"

"gryffindor common room. we think he got snatched in the night. bed empty, dishevelled. his stuff is still here. not sure by who, but i could muster a guess."


"be there in 2." i run out of the great hall, only to be stopped before i even leave out of the door.

"not.. so fast, miss swanboro."
it was snape.
"professor, harry is missing!!! he has been snatched out of his dormitory!!" i exclaimed.
snape's face, however subtly, now expressed one of concern. we both began to run in the direction of the gryffindor common room.

when we get there, fred and george were already waiting.

"i've evacuated the gryffindor dorms and common room. all students are heading towards the great hall as we speak." george explained.

"a prudent course of action. i need to secure the area. if you please, mr weasley, take your brother and inform dumbledore of the night's events."
fred and george nod, and swiftly leave the room.

"and me, professor? what can i do to help?"

"you can help me with this. i assume you're familiar with the protego charm?"
i nod.
"we need to seal off the tower in case our intruders decide to pay us a visit again."

"you take the girl's dorms, i'll take the boys."
i nod, and make my way upstairs.

"protego maxima, fianto duri, repello inimicum." i chant. gradually, my side of the tower becomes encapsulated in a white-ish shield.
i then go and find snape again, who has just come out of his dormitory.
"all done?" he questions.
"yes, professor. all done." i half-smile.
"very well. we'd better make our way to the great hall. i presume there'll be questions that need answering."
i nod, and we both begin walking.

"professor." i cut the silence like a knife. he gives a small "hmm?"
"do you think it was.. you-know-who?"
"speculation at this stage, miss swanboro, is premature."
you hated when he came out with such half-baked answers.
"that being said, it wouldn't surprise me." i look down. it wouldn't surprise me either, and that's what worries me.

i stop in my tracks, and snape quickly turns around when he notices.
"we have to find him, professor. we need to go now... before.."
i feel my heart racing, and i feel a tear drop from my eye.
snape's gaze softens. you wouldn't be able to notice such a subtle change of character unless he lets you.
"we will find him, miss swanboro. i promise you that."

i nod, trusting in his words.
we both walk into the great hall, where we are immediately greeted by dumbledore, mcgonagall, fred and george.

"ah, severus. just the man i was looking for." his gaze diverts onto me. "miss swanboro" he says with a smile.
"professor dumbledore," you smile back.
"miss swanboro has just helped me secure the gryffindor tower."
"ah, wonderful. i apologise for your morning being so unexpectedly interrupted. i notice harry means a great deal to you, as do you him. i hope you don't mind my saying, but i saw you rather enjoying your jam on toast earlier."

"oh," you let out an embarrased laugh, "it's no inconvenience at all, professor. i wish i could be of more help."

the thought of harry being alone and scared brings back the tears you'd just fought off. mcgonagall notices this and quickly intervenes.

"there, there, chloe." she wraps her arms around you.
"let's go get settled over here." she ushers you over by the twins, who are sat with luna, hermione, neville, ron and ginny.

dumbledore and snape both watch us go.
"he talks most admirably of her." dumbledore commented.
snape didn't say anything, but then again, he never often does. he doesn't need to, because the subtle sparkle in his eye says everything he could never, and dumbledore noticed it.

when lights go down | severus snapeΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα