chapter iii - morale

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tuesday, september 2nd - 5:30pm

we were all still condemned to the great hall - a precautionary measure from dumbledore, who felt to send us back to our dormitories tonight would be asking for a repeat of the last.

i was sat on a bench with hermione and luna, each beside me. ginny was sat writing in her diary, her back leaning against my legs on the floor. ron and neville were playing bertie bott's nearby, which seemed to be their go-to at times of boredom (that or wizard's chess, but ron was far too good at it for any opponent to find it enjoyable). we all knew that we couldn't do anything right now until we knew more. though, one thing was for sure: i wasn't going to let any of them out of my sight. i had already lost one child i was meant to be responsible for today, and i wasn't prepared to lose another. i can only imagine how molly would react at the news. i wonder if she and the order have been informed.

probably, let's be honest. i bet dumbledore couldn't wait to spill the tea.

i feel terrible that i didn't do more to protect harry, but not as awful as the twins, who feel they failed their protector responsibilities entirely.

"there's nothing you could've done guys..." i said across to fred and george. fred musters a deflated smile, and george's stony face doesn't alter at all.
after a couple of minutes of silence, i look around. everyone looks so miserable. i realise that this atmosphere is exactly what voldemort wants.

misery. hopelessness. division.

it can't go on. not on my watch.

"ron, do you have that portable speaker i got you for christmas?"

"yes, why?"

"could i please borrow it for a moment?" he shrugs and grabs it out of his bag. i lipsync a "thank you" to which he smiles and returns to his game with neville.

i then connect it to my phone, specifically, spotify. thinking of a song that will boost the mood, i select "dancing queen" by abba.
hermione sees what i'm doing, and her face lights up.

"music!! brilliant!" she whispers, which catches the attention of luna, who now looks equally excited.

"not just music girls, dancing too!" they both grin with excitement.

i hit play and stand up, extending both of my hands to hermione and luna.
"may i have this dance?"
they both eagerly get up with me, and we begin to dance to the beat.
the speaker is so loud, the song can be heard from everywhere in the hall. all heads turn to us as we sing along.


ron and neville jokingly cover their ears. neville soon uncovers his ears.. i think he likes abba!
"girl music!" ron complains.

"WHERE THEY PLAY THE ROCK MUSIC, GETTING IN THE SWING, YOU'VE COME TO LOOK FOR A KING." i point towards fred and george as the girls point towards ron and neville.

i extend my hands out to them both, and hermione and luna do the same to ron and neville.

fred eagerly takes it, and george eventually does.
"ANYBODY COULD BE THAT GUYYYY" i jokingly peck them both on the cheek.
hermione has managed to get ron up, and he's holding her hands and giving an unenthusiastic two-step.
luna and neville are also both up, dancing a bit more enthusiastically than the others.

i am giving it my all as i hold onto fred and george's hands. the three of us are belting out the chorus and jumping around.


"YOU CAN DANCE." i point at fred as he throws some shapes.

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